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  1. audiophilepj

    Heatsink USA 10% coupon

    "The coupon code you entered expired on 1st Dec 2016 so it can't be used." Oh well….
  2. audiophilepj

    On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

    Thanks for the updates. After a long marathon of troubleshooting I have it working. Problem is... I didn't really change anything. I think getting the clock working on its own(setting the time from another sketch) was the issue. Oh well, moving on. I have the clock, an AM2302 temp/hum sensor...
  3. audiophilepj

    On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

    I've been struggling for days getting this complied and working. I'm using the exact recommended hardware. Can you please post the exact libraries that you are using in Arduino IDE? It compiles and loads, but freezes after a few seconds. Thanks!
  4. audiophilepj

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    I've invested in 3 massive passive air blocking giants, two 12x43 and one 12x23. Air movement is my ONLY complaint. I just caught Growmau5's youtube vid where he tests pins vs fins and I'm kind of pissed. Not anytime soon, but I might make the switch to pins. Getting good air movement in my...
  5. audiophilepj

    My DIY LED Panels

    I upgraded my grow space to support a Veg and Flower room last Dec. My dilemma was my power bill. My bill jumped about $50 a month when growing. With the addition of another light, it was to increase even more. I was using a 1000 watt HID. After a few google searches, I came across Growmau5's...
  6. audiophilepj

    DIY COB LED Calculator

    Nailed it my friend. Great work!
  7. audiophilepj

    DIY COB LED Calculator

    MacBook Pro here. It doesn't matter what the resolution is, it still hides the left edge. I've tried 1440x900, 1280x800, 1152x720 and 1024x640. It's all good, funny thing is, I can still select what is hidden and paste it in another document to view. Most of the arithmetic is viewable. Thanks...
  8. audiophilepj

    DIY COB LED Calculator

    Love the calculator, thx! Only issue: Can't resize the program window... must be a java issue. 1.0 was larger then my laptop display, 2.0 cuts off the left edge. No resizing options available. Thanks again,