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  1. MANNA

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    My Sour D And My Hashplant
  2. MANNA

    Please Help

    Cool Thank You I Really Appreciate The Help Will Continue To Post
  3. MANNA

    Please Help

    Well Thanks For The Advise Do You Think I SHould Flush For A Couple Days Then Bump Up To 3/4 Concentrate Or SHould I Just Stick With Half
  4. MANNA

    Please Help

    They Are Cupping For Sure
  5. MANNA

    Please Help

    Yea Its At 6.5 ALong With All My Others
  6. MANNA

    Help Please Got A Problem!!!

    No They Are In White Buckets With Good Drainage Lots Of Holes ANd My Soil Is Cut With Cocoa Fiber Orchid Medium
  7. MANNA

    Please Help

    So I Have This Leave Curling Problem And I Dont Know Why I Watered With Fox Farm Grow Big At Half Concentrate And Two Days Later I Got This I Flushed Just Incase It Was The Nutes I Have Six Plants This Is The Only One Having This Problem All Others Are Extremely Healthy As You Can See In The...
  8. MANNA

    Help Please Got A Problem!!!

    Really Nobody Has Anything Please Help I Would Really Appreciate It Im New At This And Rely On My Elders For Help
  9. MANNA

    Help Please Got A Problem!!!

    So Here Are My Babies 1).Sour Diesel. 2).Hashplant. 3).Another Hashplant. 4).Cough 5).Another Cough Notice The Curling Of The Leaves. Why Is This???? I Nuted For The First Time At Half Solution Four Days Ago And Got This. I Have Since Flushed Just Incase It Was The Nutes. 6).Another Cough...
  10. MANNA

    My Cousin Does Graffiti And His Step-mother Got Him Arrested

    Fuck That You Dont Know What Your Talking About You Just Put Down A Culture That You Know Nothing About Im Petty Sure Thats The Definition Of Ignorance I AM A Graffiti Artist ANd I Bet I AM More Creative Then You Will Ever Dream Of Being!!!! "DONT HATE ON ART-HATE ON GANGS"...
  11. MANNA

    Please Help

    Thanks Alot Guys I really Appreciate It
  12. MANNA

    Please Help

    Thanks Sounds Good But Someone also Told Me I Dont Need Veg Nutes Cause Im Already Using Fox Farm Soil Is This True At All
  13. MANNA

    Please Help

    When Should I Start Nutes Im Using Fox Farm Ocean Forest And My First Five Leaf Is Coming In
  14. MANNA


    Hey Pretty New To The SIte And Growing Just Always Looking For Some People To Get Pointers Frombongsmilie
  15. MANNA

    Quick Question

    Thanks Alot Man I Really Appreciate It And Sorry Again For Posting Here
  16. MANNA

    Quick Question

    Im Using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mixed With Some Cocoa-fiber For Drainage
  17. MANNA

    Quick Question

    So I Cant Get Any Replies In The General Room So I Thought I Might Come Ask The Masters When I Should Start Nutes On These Little Guys Just Transplanted Last Night Sorry About Posting This In Here
  18. MANNA

    Quick Question

    Just Wondering When I Should Star Veg Nutes Just Transplanted Last Night They Were Getting Root Bound In The Cups I Got Them In
  19. MANNA

    New Pots

    My Buddy Didnt Put Anywhere Enough Soil In The First Pots So I Transplanted To These What Does Everyone Think They Were Slightly Root Bound But Not Bad You Think Ill Be Okay????
  20. MANNA

    I Need Help

    I AM About To Transplant They Were Given To Me In Those Cups With That Soil Its Way Too Little I Know But My New Pots Will Be Nice And Full But You Think Its Over Watering How Often Would You Suggest Sorry This IS My First Grow And Im Doin My Best