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  1. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    I watched it too. I was thirteen. It was a big letdown. I expected to see clear footage of jumps in lunar gravity. I got bored and went to bed before it ended. They used a crude fifty percent slow-motion to fake lunar gravity in Apollo 11. Double the speed of this video and everything will...
  2. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    The proof of a hoax* is clear. There's nothing you shills** can do to make the viewers think otherwise. * **
  3. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Go back and look at post #201. Also, we don't know what kind of classified technology they had. You're basing all your opinions on what the mainstream press says...
  4. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Give me a break. There are plausible scenarios that would explain that photo. An unmanned probe could have taken that photo. They could have added a photo of Earth to a bogus moon. There might have been an unmanned craft orbiting the moon which took the photo. That photo isn't proof that...
  5. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon as remote-controlled landers can have adjustable reflectors attached to their sides. If the Surveyor* missions were real, they had this technology. *
  6. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    The video says that the LRO photos were faked. It doesn't say that the Apollo photos were faked.
  7. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    That's true. I do. Nope. I'm not even sure what that is. I don't like Trump or Biden so I don't support any groups that support either of them. Here's the guy I like...
  8. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    All fakable. No proof here as it might have been faked.
  9. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Pictures supposedly taken from lunar orbit are fakable so they aren't proof of anything. The proof that the LRO photos are photoshopped MoonFaker: LRO at 50km. PART 1 MoonFaker: LRO at 25km, Dead Ends & No Fly Zones. PART 1
  10. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    I wouldn't call what I do research. I just made a collection of other people's research. These guys do research.
  11. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying? (excerpts) --------------------------------------------- Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked? A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe...
  12. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    If they can't even make it to the moon, there's no way they'll make it to Mars. It kind of looks like they've been lying to us about Mars too. In this picture from the NASA website... ...there's lemming next to a rock...
  13. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    You're assuming that we were being told the truth about what was happening. What was happening behind the scenes might have been very different. (excerpt) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  14. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    There's some stuff about lighting here. American Moon (English Version) (2:37:14 time mark) Moon Hoax; "Apollo; Hoax Of The 20th Century" Part 1 of 2 (3:36 time mark) Apollo Moon Hoax? Dr. David Groves Analysis
  15. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Here's some alternative info on space radiation. MoonFaker: Radioactive Anomaly. PART 1. Lunar Geology and Ionising Radiation
  16. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    You shills* can rant all you want. The proof that the moon missions were faked is so clear that once people have seen it, there's nothing you can do to make them think they were real. *...
  17. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Here's some psychology. McCann's Embedded Confessions - PART 1 OF 3 He does the Apollo astronauts' interviews too. Analysing The Astronauts - PART 1 OF 3 Analysing The Astronauts - PART 2 OF 3 Analysing The Astronauts - PART 3 OF 3
  18. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying? (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------- Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior...
  19. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    You seem to be trying to muddy the waters to confuse the viewers. The government lied about Apollo and now they're lying about the plandemic. DR TENPENNY AND DR. LEE MERRITT - THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY HAS NOW BEEN WEAPONIZED
  20. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Some people still need waking up. I think this will wake up a few. You seem to think this is somehow bad.