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  1. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    I might try a log and cookie indoors but the temperature range for these is odd, I wonder if I can keep it at a consistent temp, your link has them growing awfully slow and I would like to speed it up. Still don't think there's a spot in this house that can be cleaned to the standard. Broken...
  2. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    do you think I could inoculate the colonized chips into a log and cookie like they do for oyster and shitake or is it strictly flower bed. I know you've never done it just want a second opinion
  3. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    I live in an older house so I'm afraid that I might not be able to prevent contamination. But with a wood grow I can make sure that my mycelium is going to be the victor in the end. What is the Latin name?
  4. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    What about Psilocybe baeocystis they come from Maine but I heard on shroomery they grow in Connecticut too
  5. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    Mainly three kinds have been found in my specific area
  6. Tyler Maggiolino

    Hunting season

    Anybody know where a good place to look for maybe some big laughers or other strains in western Massachusetts mainly near the Somers ct border?