I respect that some of this guy trying to weed out LEO for security purpose, but some of this posts are plain dumb and hateful for someone who's on the same side. My basic impression was 420 ppl are always laid back and chill with the fellow pro 420. I would call this wild hyena, sorry to break...
I know its stupid to do it online, and Thats who I am trying to connect, but he's MIA, i tried to look for PM, but i don't see that option, i see all these random post acting like wild hyenas and trying to look tough.
Mayne, i don't know what you been selling, but some of guys are like super whipped, like "Reek" from GOT or that guy from basement from pulp fiction. Well done :clap:. F weed, i need some life tips swell lol
I need it super
I need is super bad, but i don't blow to be honest
I need it superbad for real, I can't blow you because than I would fosure lose my homo friends, for letting them down...
I don't mind, as long as he's not LEO himself and jerking me around to b
I don't mind, as long as he's not LEO himself and jerking me around and bust me.