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  1. S

    Become A Free Man In America.

    Yes, I am a freeman-on-the-land, and yes I do have the power to charge that amount if I so choose to. Look into it for yourself... The road to freedom is long with many twists and turns, but once you get there you look back and see the shortcut that would have brought you right through..... ;)...
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    Become A Free Man In America.

    Robert-Arthur: Menard is a good friend of mine and I can tell you his fee schedule is not $1700 per hour.... it is quite similar to MY fee schedule... Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants...
  3. S

    should i be worried?

    I'm from Canada too, and I can say that if they use thermal imaging without a warrant it is illegal invasion of privacy... If they do have a warrant then they must have some kind of probable cause besides the imaging... I wouldnt' worry about it... The fire inspection thing could suck though...
  4. S

    Pungent smell

    I agree not to use the microwave, but light isn't good for the drying process either... if you really need to do a quick dry, set ur oven to the lowest possible setting (usually 100 F) and LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN..... depending how much you're drying it should be good in less than an hour...
  5. S

    Is it time for flowering???

    Sure, the plant looks ok now.... seeing as its only a foot or so tall from what I can see.... Also, you don't have 8 branches... you have 8 Fan leaves... Big difference. That light can be used for starting seeds off but that's about it. I had 35 of those 14W CFL's for 4 plants.... that seemed...
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    CFL'S ... Too Many???

    excellent, thanks for the quick reply
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    CFL'S ... Too Many???

    Ok, I will soon be posting some pics ... gotta get my camera working lol. But I made a fixture at work for cfls... Holds 24 of em, I also have another 9 over my young plants... 33 in total... Mind you I only have 25 15 watt Panasonic Light Capsule CFL's 5000K and 6 regular 13 watt CFL's 3000K...
  8. S

    On cloning can it be done a different way

    Dude, I run a pool at work and if the ph is under 7 we can't open... 5.5 would give a person rashes and a terrible itch. Doesn't sound like a good idea to put plants threw acid burns... just my 2 cents... Peace and Love
  9. S

    Is it legal to have only male plants?

    I would like to know this too, I gave one of my males to a buddy to grow/display in his Head Shop.... So I'd like to know if he can actually put it up...
  10. S

    Keeping the dog off?

    just beacue something is airtight doesnt mean smells cant permeate through!!!!!!!!! Watch Never Get Busted and Never Get Raided! Barry Cooper explains how it all works. There was some dudes with drugs in thier gas tank in and air-water tight container wrapped many times over and surrounded by...
  11. S

    What would you do if you had 15 seconds till LEO arrives?

    I would stand outside and ask if they had a warrant. if they did I would open the door for them and let them look around. They would find my plants, I would be arrested, I would be taken into custody. Within 3 days of my arrest I would file a Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right...
  12. S

    Droppy Leafs at night back to normal at day?

    are u watering them everyday? could be a result of over watering, but also, it is not uncommon for then plants to adjust to their schedule and get "tired" near the end of the day. by morning they are usually perked back up? try not watering for a couple days, see if it changes, if not you just...
  13. S

    Cops n crops

    go to youtube and look up KOPBUSTERS! Barry Cooper is a retired narcotics enforcement officer from texas who has 2 dvds... Never get busted and Never get raided and he has LOADS of information about the laws and loopholes. KOPBUSTERS is his reality tv show where he "busts" crooked cops with...
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    ph keeps rising

    or if you already have left it out a day or two... do you have a lid on your water bucket?
  15. S

    ph keeps rising

    Are you testing tap water and then letting it sit out over night and then testing it again? If so it might be because when water sits out the chlorine evaporates/dissipates along with other chemicals put into our drinking water that the government says is "safe". Anywhoo, try letting it sit for...
  16. S

    Easiest aero-box ever!

    Ok, so I have made and photographed what I believe to be the EASIEST aeroponics system possible for the closet grower. Will cost about 50 bucks plus lighting and nutrients. I started with a rubbermaid bin (i know, real original eh?) But insead of making a sprinkler system inside it like most...
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    Pre-Harvesting tricks

    For better taste make sure you flush your medium for a week or so with pure clean water to get rid of any nutes taste in your buds :)
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    new to the site

    Yes, welcome. I too have been lurking on this site and a couple others for the past few years or so. Learning all I could learn. At that time I wouldn't have had anything worth while to say and didn't wanna ask any questions covered in the FAQ... learned alot just from that alone. I finally...
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    WTF IT Smells like GRASS

    did u trim your big fan leaves off before hanging to dry? could just be the smell of the chlorophyll in the leaves...
  20. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    Hmmmm, I would say that the temperature has less to do with it, and the light and CO2 have more to do with it. Think about weed grown in tropical climates... Now, this can depend on your strain, but most are pretty forgiving when brought up an extra 4 degrees or so... The light and CO2 are a...