Sorry to confuse you lol I want to lower it to feel the effect more but I'm pretty sure it's not that high, I was also wondering if edible and smoking tolerance are individual I'm pretty mines are. I just thought that maybe it didn't affect me cause my tolerance was way high but thanks Cause my...
Hey so idk if you read the second part but I had a few pieces of edibles after but they were small less than a half pretty small but shouldn't it have still worked?
thanks, was just a bit worried because I was a beginner and all that weed I just thought it would keep my tolerance high because I have had edibles a few times after but it didn't work of course it was high school edibles made with the shiitiest material out there but I also did have only...
Okay so back when i started smoking i ate a brownie and got wayy high anyways does edibles tolerance go down if you down use them like when you smoke or is it different how do i decrease edible tolerance? Basically is edible tolerance and smoking different how would i decrease each