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  1. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    That's good to know and yea I've actually decided to wait until the medium feels pretty light I hear ya. I plan on waiting until the pots feel light again before watering. I have tried that 2 inch method and it just seems that's the only thing dry is the top 2 inches. The rest of the pot will...
  2. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Just wanted to let you know I appreciate you relaying your wisdom and tactic my way! Thanks for your time!
  3. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Thanks for your input and time. I'm truly shocked at how many replies I've gotten and how fast they came.
  4. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Thank you for the idea! I think I will up the cal mag once they dry up a bit
  5. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Yours looks great! And thank you for the input. I will lay off and let things dry out and go from there.
  6. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    I actually have this chart printed off. I chalked it up to a magnesium deficiency but since I was giving them plenty of nutes I figured there was some sort of lockout not allowing the magnesium to be taken in which is why I flushed two days ago and fed with maybe 1/8 recommended strength.
  7. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Youre fine I had posted my comment before I had seen yours sorry about that. The ph is usually between anywhere between 6.2 - 6.7
  8. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    600w HPS dialed in at 450w at the moment. Using dyna grow protekt, general hydroponics cal mag, dyna gro foliage pro and ph up/down as needed. I was feeding them at 1/4 strength that was recommended on dyna gro's site. I have recently flushed (two days ago) and fed with light nutrients toward...
  9. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Obviously they seem over watered. Which makes sense since I have recently flushed them. What I'm more concerned with is the coloring within the leaves which was there prior to the flush. Could it be a sign of over feeding or lack of feeding? Could it be from the light being too close? I have a...
  10. N

    Did my plants have a mag deficiency? Why are they dropping now?

    Needless to say I'm a new gardener and have had my share of issues within my first 3 weeks of growing. So far I believe I have had some sort of defiency do to the look of some of the fan leaves. I have tried reviewing other posts and have searched all over the internet and the closest thing I...
  11. N

    Whacha think about these Blue Dream Girls?

    Look very healthy nice job so far
  12. N

    First Official Grow. Fem White Widow (in progress)

    Looks great man. I'm about 3 weeks in with my automazars but the vegetation of my plants look nothing like yours did. Great job judging from your pics!