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  1. Afghan-a-Ran

    grow tent hotspots and thermometer

    If you have good air movement, you shouldn't have hot pockets of air. Those 'laser thermometers' are actually infrared thermometers with a laser for aiming. Like I said, that will be good to tell you leaf surface temp, and the temp of any other surface. As for the air, a hygrometer in the...
  2. Afghan-a-Ran

    grow tent hotspots and thermometer

    having some kind of hygrometer in the tent is always a good idea. I have a data logger hygrometer which is pretty good. If you are looking for hot spots and leaf temp, you should get the laser thermometer. It's on my to get list.
  3. Afghan-a-Ran

    Welcome New Members!

    Going to be leveling-up in this forum, prob just lurking for a bit. Growing indoor Promix BX and using Nectar for the Gods. 600W MH, scrog, 3x3 flower, 3x2 propagator with t-5 lighting. Hit me up if you want to talk about nutrient line or medium. Big shout out to fucking everyone because this...