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  1. W

    Dry Ice Hash --> filtered through 45 and 25 micron

    I've noticed one of the downsides of dry ice hash is the impurities due to the green plant matter also freezing/breaking off and coming through the bags. Has anyone tried to take their yield and then filter through bubble bags in water? I don't know how small the impure particles are so they may...
  2. W

    Hybrids/cross-strains and Organics

    thanks man... I guess another thing I didn't keep in mind is the fact that growing indoors is already "forcing" season changes, which also isn't natural. And, who knows what the mother plant was exposed to/fed (think that would play a part as well). I was just thinking that organic growing was...
  3. W

    Hybrids/cross-strains and Organics

    hahaha... I know i know. I wasn't going to change what I am currently doing and I understand every strain is different making what i said a huge over generalization. Just very curious about learning, so thought i'd throw it out there. thanks man.
  4. W

    Hybrids/cross-strains and Organics

    This is my first post/grow, but have been reading/learning for awhile. I wanted to get everyone's opinion on this topic: After I have been looking through other's grow journals and seeing that when (a lot of the time, but not always) growing hybrids, people are having to supplement their soil...