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  1. Größer Grow

    Natural environment grow room

    Howdy everyone Just finished off a nice joint of og kush....feeling good An idea popped into my head do build a room with overhead sprinklers to imitate rain and light that dies down then off to imitate the sun, after the 3rd hit i was convinced the plant was trying to tell me something , so...
  2. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    update ! ** Beginning of the buds
  3. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    i never realized you had to spray colloidal then spread the pollen ... can i harvest the bud then try and keep the plant going with just one or 2 heads still on it ? will it seed out? :) thanks will post more pics sooooon !
  4. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    Shes big and bushy !! 14 days into flower white hairs are out .at what time should i use colloidal silver?
  5. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    60 days in veg , started counting when first set of serated leafs popped out, i maybe left it abit late as she is a big girl and having trouble with my light getting through, think i need to make a net to get her all spread out . have had it flipped = 12/12 for 5 days now
  6. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    thanks , how long for flower? im considering 60 days myself should i go for longer or shorter?
  7. Größer Grow

    First Time Grower OG K

    Hi all , First Time Grower sharing some pictures and stories of the girls. Built a fairly Large box (huge actually) Strand is Feminized Og Kush under 16x 23w cfls . New to growing so you guys might be able to help me along the final stretch of finishing my grow! So far the big girl is 60 days...
  8. Größer Grow

    Welcome New Members!

    not foil , maylar in its cheapest form ...3 points if you guess what its purpose is out of the packet Edit* granted it should be nice and glued flat, will get to that soon)
  9. Größer Grow

    Welcome New Members!

    Super noob here...first time growing thought i would finally sign up n say Howdy :) . Growing in a decent sized box (needs a clean out) CFL x16 20w bulbs , have experimented so far with ...topping supercropping , tie downs and cloning . Heres some pics to introduce myself ! . (yes i need a...