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  1. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    If you read the message I said 'slingshots' also known as bait casters to some fishermen.
  2. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Not Not to worry.
  3. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    My mate wanted them, I tried ordering a couple for him. He is a fisherman and said that they can get your bait out further. I don't fish, I just ordered them and got the letters
  4. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I got a letter regarding me bringing items into the country that are blacklisted or aren't allowed. That's why I was a tad curious on the run down of buying online. Boj
  5. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I've ordered slingshots before aka bait casters and got letters from customs, what happens when you don't receive the beans? Just lost your money? Going to have a chat with my gf and see how she feels about her address... Also do you make up an alias for the package? Thanks for your time...
  6. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    My first 2 choices were bonza and herbies, was just having a look tho. I'm a bit reluctant to spend big on the first order just in case but there was a money maker and that caught my eye. If you have any suggestions let me know please
  7. Boj

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just saying Hi to all, Another fellow newbie from NSW.. Having my first attempt from a few bag beans and looking at herbies and bonza for a few ideas.. Wont be too far & happy to chat...