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    Killing bugs on soil and leaves the organic way

    hi just reading this as i am suffering some kind of bug in my soil like a tiny white maggot i think its a fungus gnat larve but have been thinking of using parasitic nematodes Steinernema feltiae wich apparently get inside these bugs and kill them from the inside out has anyone here used these...
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    Cheap Way to make CO2 for your grow

    no the bubbler something to do with wine making but i think with an air lock it will keep it warmer helping the thing do its job il try both and see what happens thanks
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    Cheap Way to make CO2 for your grow

    can i use a 2 litre bottle and just put a bubbler in the top for an air lock (bubbler is whats on your mans big jar) would this be ok the co2 would come through when the pressure good enough
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    This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

    just read your journal very inspiring from what i can gather they were flowering for 3 months is this correct ?
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    first grow please help

    thats grand ile start them on 12 hour shift today then thanks for the help all
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    first grow please help

    i need some help im a first time grower and have grown these blueberry for about 25 days now and im wondering when i can start to flower these im not to anal about this grow im using it as a learning project more than anything but odviously would like to get some nice bud theyve been grown under...