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  1. Mary Lou

    Any Idea how much she'll bud?

    cheers man, I moved the hermie into its own space and will continue to cut the balls off until I harvest. Will still get something to smoke :)
  2. Mary Lou

    Any Idea how much she'll bud?

    Hi everyone, just got back and read all these lmfao as if its a herm. So disappointed, I've got a 2nd plant thats just as big that has zero balls and loads of claws/hairs. Erm Im gonna continue to grow the hermie purely because it will generate some weed but close it off from the other plants...
  3. Mary Lou

    Any Idea how much she'll bud?

    Wish I could have vegged it for longer, only about 5 weeks. Wasn't very big, I've trimmed my big fans away to try and get more light to the other leaves. Any advice?. I've got 3, others are a bit bigger. So yeah, any idea how much she'll bud?. Or only a small amount? :) Thanks guys.
  4. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    I had low humidity for about 3 days. around 20% until I bought a humidifier. That's when the plants started showing signs of a deficiency. I'll figure it out, thanks for all the help though :D seriously everyone; thank youuu :D
  5. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    the compost will have nutrients in it but not alot, and I'm only giving nutes at half a tea spoon per 500ml. Its a really diluted strength. Besides that, they're only having big bloom and the other one (Forget the name). They aren't having tiger bloom yet, im aware that they aren't ready for...
  6. Mary Lou

    Any idea what's wrong?, tried diagnosing it myself.

    Any advice on what that is?
  7. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Any advice on what that is then?, heres some new stuff thats shown up on one of the leaves?.
  8. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    It's just some multip purpose compost. It's okay, not to bad. No long formula release or anything. I've been giving them Fox Farm Nutrients Trio, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom etc. I've been following a feeding plan at a reduced rate purely because advice online said to not feed them the full amount...
  9. Mary Lou

    Any idea what's wrong?, tried diagnosing it myself.

    Hey sorry for the late reply, I've just gotten home. Okay, basically this guy said do 24/0 from seed for 4 weeks until they reach maturity and e.g. be able to flower and then put them on 12/12 basically from seed. I've seen his grow and no joke (best grow I've ever seen) for a smaller grow. I...
  10. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Great, thanks :D appreciate the advice; I was worried about them haha.
  11. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Aw thanks, :) so nothing major to worry about here? :3
  12. Mary Lou

    Any idea what's wrong?, tried diagnosing it myself.

    Thought my plants have Borons deficiency, Think I'm wrong or I just haven't treated it right. Basically, thought they had borons deficiency because my humidity was way to low, treated the humidity problem about 2 days ago. They still aren't looking to great. I removed some of the brown if it...
  13. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Hey :) I have some photos here?, Sorry for the late reply. Been working alot. Any advice on how to help these out? Sorry about the lighting situation.
  14. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    But I'll 100% take some pics once they're out and ya'll can give me some extra advice :D
  15. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Please don't quote Wiki at me again haha, It's useless; anyone can go in and edit those :P here is where I learned that extremely low humidity can cause Boron deficiency :D I can't take any pics until lights out because it makes my camera...
  16. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Okay, I'll just add some organic matter :) Thank you; wouldn't want to risk killing them :P
  17. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    I think the soil is fine, it's just I had to move my grow and the space I chose had low humidity. I bought a humidifier today and got the humidity up as before it was around 19%;Causing the Boron deficiency in my plants. Someone had writ online to treat Boron deficiency with "Boric Acid". That's...
  18. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    Boric deficiency can be caused by extremly low humidity in pretty much any plant. I was just curious if now I've fixed the humidity issue will the plant start growing normally again?; e.g. no deficiency?.
  19. Mary Lou

    Will boron Deficiency stop now i've improved humidity?.

    my plants have boron deficiency, now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room will it stop spreading to new growth?, or do I need to treat it with Boric acid?. Any help would be great :) Thanks.
  20. Mary Lou

    Now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room, will boron D stop?

    my plants have boron deficiency, now that I've fixed the humidity in my grow room will it stop spreading to new growth?, or do I need to treat it with Boric acid?. Any help would be great :) Thanks.