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  1. Beavermike

    Oregon growers

    So my girls are looking pretty ugly...ive lost the majority of my fan leaves over the past few weeks. Gave them some nutrients about a week ago but the yellowing continues. Yield will be down but the positives so far: max air flow, no pm, no bugs! Basically just stems with buds. Humanrob...
  2. Beavermike

    Oregon growers

    Haven't posted since last year but thought I'd share. Things seem a few weeks behind this year...curious to hear if other people are experiencing the same. I'm in the corvallis area. Two tired ladies, have been losing fan leaves for a few weeks. Probably need one more round of nutrients...
  3. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Yeah I agree, sounds like the green cure and nuke em would be working against each other. Those are some fat worms too! Started the chop on the sugar black rose. I had no idea the amount of time required for trimming. I'm so busy these days it might take me several days to get it done...
  4. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    So, I've found a few worms but it seems like their overall numbers have been low. I've been spraying flying skull nuke em about once a week for pm. It's acts as an insecticide too. Ingredients are citric acid, water, yeast, potassium sorbate. It was about 20 bucks for an 8 oz bottle (makes 2...
  5. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Seems like the wet weather has brought the shit! I found my first bud worm yesterday, rip little bastard. I'm sure there are more but so far they have evaded me...also found a small spot of bud rot. Another round of flying skull tomorrow. The stuff is expensive but it seems to help with the...
  6. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Safe travels rob, hopefully nm was good considering the reason for your trip. I keep seeing pm here and there too, not bad wondering how long I can keep it in check
  7. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Larry and Rob, I bet you guys are spot on about the hermie. I keep looking but haven't found any balls. But, it's crazy how full of seeds the buds are. I chopped the entire plant expect two colas that I left just to insure mature seeds. Interestingly, the sugar black rose plant right next to...
  8. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Thanks guys for all the input. Decided to start harvesting the od. Chopped two of the main colas and got a huge surprise. Seeds! Lots of them...not sure how this happened since I've been on the look out for male flowers. Kind of bummed but I guess I have a jump on next year :) hopefully...
  9. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Thanks for the article, a lot of good info in there. Your pic does look like fusarium. Good to know that the plant can potentially recover if things dry out. Now you are making me second guess my second guessing. :) do you recall how much amber your od had at harvest? Mine only has a few...
  10. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Started second guessing myself and decided not to chop my oregon diesel this weekend. Decided to give her another week, especially with the great forcast for the Willamette Valley. Sugar black rose is doing much better, the flying skull nuke em has checked the pm and the colas are finally...
  11. Beavermike

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks pig, appreciate your response. Almost did the chop but started second guessing. Going to hold off and check her next weekend.
  12. Beavermike

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Oregon diesel, flowering since early to mid July. Few amber tricks on the bud leaves. Chop or one more week?
  13. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Looking good Jetson! My od is coming down after work today! Pics to come :)
  14. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Right on Peter, thanks for the info! Did you wait for a few amber trikes before harvest? I keep looking but haven't seen any yet. That's awesome that you harvested yesterday, good time of the year :)
  15. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Just got done hitting the girls with a second application of flying skull nuke em. Fingers crossed that it checks the pm. Didn't find any on buds, just fan leaves and lower down where air flow is probably limited. Also, is anyone growing oregon diesel? I think she is getting close, been...
  16. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Thanks Larry. @Vnsmkr , thanks for the article. It has several potential remedies, do you know what works best?
  17. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Girls are all looking good guys! I think my sugar black rose plant has some pm...just pulled 50+ leaves with white/Gray discoloration. Is she doomed? Is it still worth it to cover or will it just keep spreading? Not sure how much longer she has but at least another month.
  18. Beavermike

    Another Oregon Grow

    Yep, I second that, take care of that back. Mine can go out doing the simplest task, other times can chop firewood with no issues...girls are looking good!
  19. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Just got back from a two week road trip and thought I'd post an update. Thank goodness for drip irrigation and no power outages! The monster is a sugar black rose cut. About 8 ft tall, several ft wide. It's been flowering for about two weeks. Starting to give off a sweet skunky smell...
  20. Beavermike

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Hey guys, I've been lurking for awhile, thought I'd share a few pics. BTW, appreciate all the info, keep it coming. Here, South WIL Valley, cut from sugar black rose and oregon diesel. I've topped and super cropped the hell out of the sbr, just keeps getting bigger. :) about 7 ft, I think...