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  1. D

    Web like substance forming?

    Yeah I checked them all they're all only 12 days old so they're pretty small not very many places for them to be and I spay pretty much everything down with a organic poison i forgot what its called I even did a light mist on the top of the rocks just to be safe and I use some stronger stuff...
  2. D

    Web like substance forming?

    I looked for like a hour couldn't find any plus I spray the whole grow area pretty often so I'm hoping that's not what it is
  3. D

    Web like substance forming?

    So this is my second time growing in dwc hydro and I have 6 seedlings. I have them all in a single 5 gallon bucket in 3 inch net pots and I have the whole surface of the lid covered with lava rocks and I moved some of them and around the rock wool there was a bunch of spider web looking stuff...
  4. D

    Can molasses cause soil ph problems?

    Im about halfway thru flowering and was probably gunna ease up on pretty much all nutrients and only use molasses and ro water can this cause nutrient lockouts or anything its my first time growing and being about halfway done with flowering id hate to mess them up now when theyre so close to...
  5. D

    Earth juice high brix molasses vs mother earths sugar load heavy brix molasse

    Fasho i kinda like it better its much richer smelling and way darker i havent checked on my plants since giving them their first dose but so far it seems like the better product and a gallon for $15 and i use 1/4th the amount as the $30 a gallon earth juice is a definite plus
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    Earth juice high brix molasses vs mother earths sugar load heavy brix molasse

    Oh and whats the difference between heavy and hi brix if any at all ?
  7. D

    Earth juice high brix molasses vs mother earths sugar load heavy brix molasse

    I recently ran out of earth juices hi brix and i purchased mother earths sugar load heavy brix which was about half the price of the hi brix it is more difficult to mix but it smells and looks really rich and at a rate of onlt 1 tbsp per gal vs earth juices 4 for teas it seems like itll go a lot...
  8. D

    Earth juice big bloomin guano came super watery is this normal?

    I have their bag of fossilized marine bird guano that im pretty sure im just going to use plus its a 0-8-1 vs the big bloomin which is only a 0-4-0. Should i mix it in with the rest of my nutes before bubbling for 24 hours or just before watering?
  9. D

    whats up with this recipe on earth juices' site

    I do doubt that the recipe would be too strong it seems like a pretty all around solid one and its organic so it should be pretty hard to burn but like said above theyre probably most likely just trying to sell more that recipe does call for a cool amount of nutes all those would probably add up...
  10. D

    whats up with this recipe on earth juices' site

    I copped a gallon of big bloomin off amazon and idk if it was just that bottle and i know the substances seperate over time but i opened it and didnt shake it and like over half the gallon was just water idk maybe it was just the seller off amazon cuz i think it might have been open previously...
  11. D

    Earth juice big bloomin guano came super watery is this normal?

    Its almost time for me to start blooming nutes and i bought a bottle of earth juice big bloomin guano from amazon and about a quarter spilled out in the container during shipping and i know that the contents seperate over time but like half the gallon if not more before being shooked looked like...
  12. D

    AACT stopped bubbling

    I noticed the order in which i add everything changes it a little i saw a video where the guy used catalyst the first day and let it eat up all the available food to starve them a little and then added molasses next day any thoughts on that?
  13. D

    AACT stopped bubbling

    It ended up smelling a little gross so i just dumped it on my grapes i made a new batch and this is probably one of the better ones ive made its about number 10 or so its definitely the sweetest smelling it smelld just like the hi brix i also used a little catalyst in this batch im still making...
  14. D

    AACT stopped bubbling

    So i started to make a tea yesterday and it was going for a few hours then i came back a couple of hours later and my pump had been accidentally unplugged by someone my question is is that tea alright to use still it was off for about 3 or 4 hours should i just pitch it and start over or just...
  15. D

    Foliar spraying

    But it was in the 100s so it could have been water left on the leaves and when the sun hit it got burnt
  16. D

    Foliar spraying

    I was reading online and it said with most foliar spraying you should do half dose to avoid burning i think it was just too much because the bottle calls for like half a teaspoon and a few extra drops fell in when i mixed it i figured it wouldnt hurt but it appears i was wrong
  17. D

    Foliar spraying

    Yeah its just little dots here and there except my month old seedlings that got burnt everywhere
  18. D

    Foliar spraying

    Yeah when i tried adding it to soil it gave me a bunch of lockouts cuz i dont usually ph i mostly just use teas i was spraying cuz i was starting to get a lot of bug damage and heat stress so i figured itd help
  19. D

    Foliar spraying

    Im also pretty sure it wasnt the sun it was hot yesterday but the sun doesnt hit my plants till 10ish and i went out around 7 so im pretty sure all the water was dried by then
  20. D

    Foliar spraying

    So yesterday i went out early in the morning and foliar sprayed with silica. I used ro water and didnt ph test the water and then today i went out and my leaves had a few small tanish dots on the larger ones and on the smaller ones it was worse and the leaves looked burnt. I usually foliar spray...