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  1. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Your right it could b due to haveing so man tops.. I was LST.. I had all the branchs bending outwards but new tops kept jumping from the center till it filled up..
  2. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Im useing 2 Advanced Platinum p300 LEDs.. So im very confident their getiing enough light. The leaves themselves stay small becuse they're getting enough light that they dont need to expand so much. I live in a humid area.. i have 2 fans inside circulating the air.. leaves do move.. After...
  3. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Thanks .. i guess i just picked a strain that doesn't yield as much
  4. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Not really.. i started giving koolbloom dry.. for extra phosphate.. one more feed n then im gonna flush.. oh well i guess ill find out the yeild after i harvest n dry them.. lets see if it was worth it lol
  5. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Thanks guys I havent looked at the trichomes still waiting on my magnifier.. Since its my first grow i thought maybe im doing something wrong...
  6. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    From what i read 56 days. I was just wondering if i should feed it more :/.. right now im feeding every 2-3 days n plain PHed water once a week. Im on day 46
  7. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Hey guys, So my first grow is coming around nicely. However i'm into week 7 and it seems the buds are growing in a very very slow rate. By now I thought they'd be huge. I still have 2 3 weeks to go what could i be doing wrong or is this normal? Flowerbomb Kush Coco Flora Grow series...
  8. ahoo

    Yield expection?

  9. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol ya 3 gal smart pots.. it had handles which i folded down n used it for the LST.
  10. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol posted it from my ph.. dont no how but it made 2 posts.. I think I got the gist of it :bigjoint:
  11. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol well it all depends on the stains too.. general rule of tumb is 1-3 feeds before you water. Some feed twice n then water.. i would recommend feed then water.. n let 25% of the water run out so u get those extra nuts out..
  12. ahoo

    Yield expection?

  13. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Carbonated water??? I never heard of that lol.. now where do i get that
  14. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Will send u a pic with out the leds tonight
  15. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Yea! I just thought it was maybe ph issue or nuts.. its only a few leaves i couldn't find any bugs..
  16. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    I got a real small place.. 2.5 x 2.5 feet but enough for a few plants..:).. which strain r u growing?
  17. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol ya ima try my best lol
  18. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Well after all that work of course ima go for the highest guess lol... Once done ill roll a big one for all ya help here lol
  19. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Half a pound would b amazing!! Bug damage?
  20. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Hey guys so I've been veging for like over 2 months.. and I was wondering what kind of yield should I be expecting? Its 1 week into 12 12.. my friend who has grown before says 3 oz.. which is hard to belive since he only vegs it for a few weeks only n gets close to that.. im just looking for an...