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  1. succulent710

    Possible heat stress due to change in temperature? Help is greatly appreciated!

    I think I may have burned the plants with the use of neem oil, is there any opportunity for recovery from this?
  2. succulent710

    Possible heat stress due to change in temperature? Help is greatly appreciated!

    I have not been getting water on the leaves, but I have been using neem oil on the plants as a preventative measure for spider mites, as one of my taller veg plants showed white spots.
  3. succulent710

    Possible heat stress due to change in temperature? Help is greatly appreciated!

    The taller veg plants pictured have been growing for 5 weeks from seed and the seedlings pictured have been growing 2 weeks from seed. I am going to be patient and positive. :)
  4. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    Awesome! I will be purchasing one of those this morning! Do you recommend raising my ph by sprinkling dolamite? Or is there a better alternative. Again, thank you so much for the help.
  5. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    Thank you for the continuous help. It's very appreciated. I will hold off on the cal/mag and I will sprinkle dolamite. I don't have a specific meter for testing the water, on the soil. Any recommendations on a beginner level PH reader? "beginner level" more in reference to price, I am not trying...
  6. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    I have read that it should be between 5.5-6.5. I don't have a meter for the water. I have a kit that just tests the soil.
  7. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    I did a PH reading of the soil, I have a "rapitest" soil tester and it instructs me to place a tiny bit of soil in this container, I put water in the container, shake the solution around, and then match the color to a chart given to me with the "rapitest"...thus giving me my reading. 5.5 it says...
  8. succulent710

    Possible heat stress due to change in temperature? Help is greatly appreciated!

    Appreciate the words and the help! I am looking forward to all aspects of the process, even some of the tougher ones. Thank you for attaching that chart, I am thinking of adding some calcium and magnesium to the soil. Do you think I should wait a few days before making this decision? I currently...
  9. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    Ok thank you for the information! Very appreciated! I will hold off on the neem for 6 days and will re apply if I see the white spots appear again. Have you heard of using just 707 roots organic soil for a growing medium? Or does this soil have too much nitrogen in it? I will go buy some cal/mag...
  10. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    I am spraying neem oil every 72 hours because a week ago I saw that there were white spots on the leaves of the plants and did it as a preventative measure. When you speak to be giving them too much "N", are you speaking nitrogen? How can I be giving them too much nitrogen when I don't use any...
  11. succulent710

    Heat stress and now I have an AC, did drastic change in temp cause residual issues?

    Hello guys! This will be my first harvest and this is my first grow :) I am currently running two 8 bulb T 5's in a 5 x 10 secret jardin 300w. I have a few plants ahead of the others but all plants seem to be showing these consistent stress signals. For a little background...the summer sun in...
  12. succulent710

    Feeling content and patient. Eager to learn!

    Feeling content and patient. Eager to learn!
  13. succulent710

    Possible heat stress due to change in temperature? Help is greatly appreciated!

    Hello guys! This will be my first harvest and this is my first grow :) I am currently running two 8 bulb T 5's in a 5 x 10 secret jardin 300w. I have a few plants ahead of the others but all plants seem to be showing these consistent stress signals. For a little background...the summer sun in...