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  1. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    I don't believe they are real but I just wanna know if any of you have used one
  2. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    This is a really random question but is still related to the topic. But I was wondering if anybody has used a ouija board and experienced any supernatural experiences? I'm trying to make a homemade one
  3. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    God is not the one who does the killing. Its the minds of the individuals who lack good morals
  4. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    And God has nothing to do with people killing people. He let's individuals have their own free will to do what the want. And in the end when it comes down to faith, what you believe in is your choice. There are individuals out there that would love to have peace without religious killings...
  5. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Sorry let me restate what I said..."Christian faith is what this world needs." Yes there are many different types of faith out there. And yes there are killings based on those types of faith. There is a line you have to draw that justifies killing for faith. If you kill because your religion...
  6. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Faith is what everyone in the world needs.
  7. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    I believe that many viewpoints on religion are misunderstood. Since everybody has their own beliefs when it comes to goodness and morality, we will all find out when we die.
  8. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Healing is the best type of energy.
  9. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    The spirit can be a powerful force that can influence you're perspective on things.
  10. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Energy is what keeps me going. We all have our own sense of spirit.
  11. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Some people believe that a higher powered god does exist and some people believe he doesn't but here's something to read and give you something to think about. Maybe it can help give you insight about what you think is real and what you think is not.
  12. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists? Everybody has their own view on what life is but here's something about life overall.
  13. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    What do you guys believe? I don't have the answer but I can say that our spirits do go somewhere cause I experienced it. It was truly life changing for me!
  14. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Oh I was saying that life is everywhere you look. some people believe that life only pertains to matter on earth. And there are things out there that have yet to be discovered. Life just keeps moving forward. I believe that many people take life for granted and they don't look at the bigger...
  15. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    Science is also about revelation. You can have all of these hyphothesese about life and science but until you can prove and imply what you know about the known world, your own theories can't be proven true until you succeed by trying.
  16. J

    What would prove GOD does/doesn't exists?

    I feel like this question of "does God exist" will go forever unanswered until we die but what I can tell you death is imminent everywhere on earth and there's nothing we can do to stop it. I actually died and had an out of body experience. It was very intriguing. It was so calm and peaceful.