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  1. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Still no roots. Changed the water phd it to 5.5. Added plastic slips to cover the sponges too I used piece of sponge to hold the cuts and they weren't light proof so I covered them with black plastic The clone are still alive some I had to trash some due to discovering balls on the father...
  2. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    It's been 14 days. No roots Fucked around and made the same exact mistake with the dome smothering my cuts.. I weened my clones of the dome and had to cut a little off of a few of them, but they still look ok all of them. I don't see any sign of roots I used regular tap water and some drops of...
  3. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Thank you
  4. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Hi. Are you saying to add protekt, foliage pro and calmag to the ff nutes? Or are you suggesting u go with dyna gro nutes plus these additives? Reason why I'm asking is because I did some searches and most ppl wouldn't do ff in dwc. And foilage pro seems to have a good amount of nutes in it...
  5. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    I actually decided to trash them. They looked too poor and I need the space and resources for hear cuttings I'm working on now One question I have now is what type of nutes and other additives I will need for the new cuttings My previous grows have all been with me using ff trio of nutes. Will...
  6. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Thank you guys for your help, I really appreciate you taking your time to respond. I eventually found a video, perfect for me. Really showed me the absolute basics of dwc. I understand now. I decided to build a multisite cloner this first go around. Next week I will build a two basket dwc with...
  7. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    One thing I want to ask is would it not be a benefit to use two tubs (one to hold the two plants, the other being empty) since one tub would force me to have to handle and move the actual plants whenever I need to do something to the water? Or would this not be a problem?
  8. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Thank you I'll will read this thread now. Also, I plan to build at least four systems once I get the gist of things. Four two plant systems
  9. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    Thank you for your reply. Is there any way that you could tell me exactly how to build this like I'm five years old? Can you explain it to me like I'm five?
  10. R

    Building 2 tub dwc

    hi. I am a complete newb. I am attempting to build a two tub dwc system which I can use to grow clone cuttings immediately. I need help with the basics of building a system. I have looked online briefly at all of the many tutorials online and and I THINK I understand, but really, I have no...