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  1. P

    Aphids or Hypaspis?

    Added nematoads and sprayed pots with sns203 for now. Thanks folks for the help. There are definitely quite a few on the outside of the smarts probably dozens per. There just big enough to see them and that there white with the naked eye. No jumping and moderate to slow crawling about. No...
  2. P

    Aphids or Hypaspis? Tried to snag another pic.
  3. P

    Aphids or Hypaspis?

    I gave them a look through the loop. Wish I could get a picture through it. They don't seem to be jumping like springers just crawling medium speed on outside of smarts. Don't seem to be eating plants or the roots. No webs like spiders. I have feared RA because of the gnats, but things have...
  4. P

    Aphids or Hypaspis?

    There all over the smart pots. Wish I had a better camera ability. They seem to be white. Not afraid of me nearing them at all. Looks like six legs and antennae. I've had Fungus gnat problems, but no real plant health issues. I had been applying dunks and sns203. I've been making sure...
  5. P

    Aphids or Hypaspis?

    Please help if it aphids there's lots and I'm just taking everything down, as I'm not ok with imid or orthene, thanks! free upload image