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  1. egobuilt

    Got spider mites

    Green Cleaner... pretty much all you need. use it through last day of flower if needed.
  2. egobuilt

    Is this an over-watering issue? nute problem?

    cleaned and bleached the reservoirs last night, fed the plants straight water, and already this morning they were showing improvement. Thanks Again.
  3. egobuilt

    Is this an over-watering issue? nute problem?

    Thanks for the replies. I will give that a shot
  4. egobuilt

    Is this an over-watering issue? nute problem?

    I thought that at first, but without yellowing or any other leaf indication, I was doubting it.
  5. egobuilt

    Is this an over-watering issue? nute problem?

    I have had this issue once before, but it was with one plant and in soil. I am now in hydro, and this problem started with 1 plant at 13 days into flower, by day 16, 7 out of 9 are having the same issue. the leafs are deep green in color, shine more than usual. the curl under is fairly stiff...