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  1. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    just made the butter may post pics later but forsure the brownies :)
  2. smokeyythebear

    Please help! ASAP

    I got work early asf tomorrow, anyways i was stupid and started making cannabutter with croc pot, well its been sitting for 2 hours and i watched some shitty guide saying it only takes that long.. Then futher looking into Professional cooking. They recommend 6-12 hours. can i leave the crocpot...
  3. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    mhm with chocolate chips in it :), with a hint of herb <3 any advice for my first brownie mix?! :D
  4. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    My house, just kidding. Im sure a lot of people would be happy if they got shit faced on their birthday from a thc brownie with their ice cream X) i know i would aswell! haha!!!
  5. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    inb4 you go to a restaurant and get a laced pot brownie
  6. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    ^^^ so lucky they cant watch you, wish i was in your shoes! Fake penis haha. It's great what humans invent! Yes thc strips are sold at dollar store aswell REMEMBER BETTER SAFE THEN SORRY SO SPEND THAT DOLLAR! haha, Have a great day fox thanks for the feedback! much appreciated!
  7. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    YES! But if you're being watched or something this method will not work unless you do some major pro set up with tubes and and pouch and just gets complicated. anyways yes sythetic urine is also something everyone should look into if they cant put down the weed / dont want to go through the work...
  8. smokeyythebear

    How To Pass A Drug Test + Busting myths

    Firstly, Sadly even with legalzation jobs can still drug test you... Well im here to break myths and help prepare you for the test. Tip 1: allow yourself atleast 5-20 days. why such a broad date? let me explain. Thc stores in fat, so the dates depend on the persons body weight. another thing...