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  1. F

    Need a good mold resistant strain

    I don't have anything against hybrids. October is just a bad finishing time for the east coast of Canada. The temperature doesn't always get high enough to dry the dew in the morning. So water sits on the buds all day even if its not raining. If the op is growing in a field or hilltop he should...
  2. F

    Need a good mold resistant strain

    What's your humidity at? I'm usually between 75 and 95 all year.
  3. F

    Need a good mold resistant strain

    Stay away from hybrids. Choose a variety of indicas such as a kush strain that ripens by the end of September and sativa strains that go until November. No hybrids with an October finish date are good for your area because of cool and very humid conditions. Even when it's not raining the morning...
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    Harvesting the tops early is a good way to reduce damage from mold/rot. Sometimes this includes the top buds of the lower branches. Whenever you expect cool temperatures and rain for a few days you can harvest those denser areas before it hits. The less developed buds at the lower section will...
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    Hello from Cleveland

    I think everyone does. Are you a cavs fan?
  6. F

    Hello from Cleveland

    Cleveland rocks
  7. F

    Hi I'm new here from Canada

    Everyone loves marineland
  8. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Here's a question for any hydro growers. Has anyone ever used filtered compost tea in their reservoirs instead of synthetics or whatever bottled organic products they use?
  9. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Chunky I did confuse you. Thought it was another post from Dr nick
  10. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    "Regarding compost (microbial) teas, they are great for establishing bacteria and fungi, but once established, these colonies don't need maintenance." Now you're backtracking. And if your dumping gallons of water on your plants throughout your grow and/or flushing salts is a good idea to...
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    Mollasses mollasses?

    "Ithen use small amounts of foliage pro" Foliage Pro is an Additive/booster so now you're contradicting yourself "I put money into environment, not bs forum claims" I don't know what that means? Are you saying molasses is bad for the environment? "every link on molasses is for it and from a...
  12. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    some people don't have a green thumb and need to look for other things/boosters/additives to try and compete with competent growers What's your growing medium? I want to know how you grow without adding other things, boosters, or additives. Do you grow in air?
  13. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Not reaching. I just highly suspect the two of you are indoor hydroponics growers. And this is an outdoor thread. I do know from browsing forums there seems to be a huge pissing contest between the two. If you read over my posts again I never said one was better than the other. Both require...
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    Mollasses mollasses?

    For example, one exhibitor at a hydroponic trade show Is this thread not posted under outdoors?
  15. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    farmers figured out that they needed to add more P because it was leeched in soil (outdoors) Is this thread not posted under outdoors?
  16. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    No. You don't feed green leaf vegetables the same as fruit trees
  17. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    because weed is so different from other plants andrequires things that other plants don't,lol Ummm. Every plant requires different nutrients at different times. Thats why we give higher nitrogen ratio in veg and higher phosphorus in bloom. Just for example
  18. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    Rm3 I read a few articles you posted by Linda Chalker-Scott. She specializes in urban landscaping. I also read she was fired for incompetence. This is a cannabis cultivation forum not how to plant ornamental trees in the city. You and Dr nick are cherry picking so I'll do the same. Dr nick all I...
  19. F

    Mollasses mollasses?

    How does someone asking about molasses turn into myth busters?