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  1. TexarkanaTim

    Caboose, anyone heard of this strain?

    Caboose is a Humboldt County strain that is a cross between Big Bud and Trainwreck(another Humboldt Co. original). Have never grown it (actually just recently learned about it), but the genetics sound pretty solid. I don't think it would be growing in popularity on the North Coast if it wasn't...
  2. TexarkanaTim

    dont know what to do about when to harvest my plant?

    If the hairs are still white, she's not ready. The bud will add potency as it matures. Nothing bad would happen if you harvested now, but you would get better quality if you let them finish when THEY are ready. I know its hard but be patient.
  3. TexarkanaTim

    How much wattage to use

    In that size space, the 250 watter would probably be best. I think the 400 would generate too much heat. With that size box, I would stay with 2 plants.
  4. TexarkanaTim

    Bubbleponics Stealth Hydro

    Like they say, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.....If its working well, don't chance trying something new.
  5. TexarkanaTim


    Go to Lowe's, Home Depot, Walmart, etc. and get about 6-8 more CFLs. You can also buy socket splitters, which will allow you to operate two bulbs from one socket. A few of those attached to a power strip, and you will have much better odds of getting a decent yield. I wouldnt try to grow more...
  6. TexarkanaTim

    250W HPS with CFL's Grow

    I generally concur with the others....those plants are wilted due to lack of water. At their stage of growth, use a balanced fertilizer (I personally prefer a liquid nute) and water when the soil is dry 1-2" down inside the pot. For me (looking at your pics, my set-up is similar to yours) I...
  7. TexarkanaTim

    Grow Room In Construction, Check it out, Help

    Why do you need lights sent to you? Are you in BFE or just trying to be stealthy? Get yourself a bunch of 150w CFLs from Home Depot or Lowe's. They will get you by until you can get something larger.
  8. TexarkanaTim

    Lowryder #2 + Diesel Ryder HPS 600 watt grow project (THE BEGINNING)

    Damn, that's quite an undertaking. What size room are you using for 90 babies? I am growing a few LR2 right now for seed. They are fun and easy.
  9. TexarkanaTim

    whats the lowest temp.

    Just a waste of time and what could have been a decent yield for your efforts?
  10. TexarkanaTim

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    I have heard people talk about odor killing CFLs....Have not used them but perhaps another choice?