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  1. E

    Male or female?

    (Update) so the same plant just started producing female flowers (picture with the red circle), not just one flower but plenty... I’m a bit confused now... I think it’s a hermie but I’m not 100% sure. Pollen sacks allegedly (picture with blue circle) Sorry about the quality of pictures...
  2. E

    Male or female?

    What happens if I cut off the sacks?
  3. E

    Male or female?

    Thank you, I'll post a new picture in a couple of days and see. here is the other plant which is a female for sure... as you can see this 1 grew taller so I had to do some LST.
  4. E

    Male or female?

    my previous grow was from bag seed as well and I ended up with 2 pure females no hermies, but they weren’t as bushy as this one ... if it ended up being a herm, do you think think it’s worth growing it? I feel bad throwing a healthy dense plant
  5. E

    Male or female?

    I think this one is Male but it took longer than my other female to show a sign and it’s way more bushy! I was shocked and very disappointed when I saw a small ball. posting this to know for sure if I’m right. (it’s a bag seed, don’t know the strain)
  6. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Hey can you pls help me,can u see trichomes? Try to zoom in, I'm not sure if those are trichomes or just hairs but it's definitely new. And btw there is no more yellowing but it still droops sometimes and in the pic it's a bit too droopy because i haven't watered in 4 days so it's a bit thirsty...
  7. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Im not sure exactly how much bigger but i guess a gallon bigger, and i"m definitely gonna water it less now, and again thank you so much for helping !!
  8. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    ok i transplanted it successfully, it went very smoothly, the plant just popped out of the pot in shape, the roots definitely needed more space, when i got it out of the pot it was almost all roots i could barely see some soil, the roots looked white and healthy... hopefully it will turn ok
  9. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    i feed it once a week with 10-30-20 npk but i give it half a dose and the water PH is always 6.5
  10. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    thank you so much, i think im transplanting
  11. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    But how do I transplant without turning it upside down, I tried to cut the pot but it's too hard
  12. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Alright, I won't transplant. Thanks for helping
  13. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    I transplanted this plant twice and it was fine, do you think I should transplant or not? The yellowing is really making me nervous Btw I'm using 10 30 20 fert but in small doses
  14. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Yes and everyday I'm seeing more and more yellow leaves so I don't know... I feel like I should transplant but there are many mixed opinions on transplanting at this stage, I really don't know what to do :/
  15. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Yes I guess you're correct, so now I'm guessing it's too late to transplant, am I screwed? Will it die slowly? What can I do?
  16. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    My pot size is nowhere near 5 gals! Mine is way smaller and dries quick
  17. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    How about the potency, will it be as potent as the smelly plants? And isn't it too early for the leaves to turn yellow?because so many people are telling me it's gonna take very long time like 10 weeks or so. Thanks for helping
  18. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    No I'm pretty sure I don't have any light leakage, It's completely dark during dark period
  19. E

    5 weeks into flowering, no smell, no trichomes

    Oh thanks for telling me because I was about to throw some extra N in there because some of the lower leaves are turning yellow