Search results

  1. J

    I cant afford a mistake PLEASE HELP

    Thanks for the replies! I live in a state where the laws are the worst in the nation with a bunch of over zealous law enforcement that love to do the seizure without charges thing. Just when you think it is over they send you to drug and alcohol classes with 6 month concealing for an extra...
  2. J

    I cant afford a mistake PLEASE HELP

    I am new in that I did a 2000 watt grow some years back with a sealed room and co2. I did not control humidity and lost most of the grow to mold, ignorance and neglect. Now I am close to ready to try again on a smaller scale with a very minimal budget. As of now I have a room “shell” that will...
  3. J

    cotton mouth

    Thank you for the reply. I have tried northern lights and found it to be excellent. As of now I haven’t cracked a seed. Damn disabilities. Work on the room is slow but progressing. Joe36
  4. J

    cotton mouth

    Unfortunately living in a backward prohibitionist state I have very little choice in what I smoke. The quality is poor and the price is high. This is why I have chosen to set up my own grow room. I am up for suggestions. At this stage in life the high is not important. I just want to treat...
  5. J

    new room minimal experience

    OK I appreciate all the advice I can get! My first grow was in soil and was not very productive. I caused 90% of my problems by not being able to attend to the grow room properly. I was only able to check it every few days and it was several neglected. I originally used Miracle Grow soil...
  6. J

    cotton mouth

    Nothing caused by cannabis allergies and only somewhat affected by seasonal allergies. I smoked cannabis through my teens in the 70s and quit for 30 years due to my job. Only started again after retiring 3 years ago. My sinuses were several damaged in a motorcycle wreck in76 causing the...
  7. J

    cotton mouth

    Yes, At this time and for the last couple of years I have used cannabis for this problem and for chronic pain. Joe 36
  8. J

    new room minimal experience

    I am in the process of building a new grow room. As of now I have a 7.5x7.5 foot room with a9 foot sealing, 6 inch of insulation on all walls, under the floor and on the sealing. 2- 1000 watt lights with fully enclosed 6 inch duct hoods 2 -6 inch high volume duct fans and 2 large carbon...
  9. J

    cotton mouth

    I am new to the forum and this will sound a bit strange but I am wanting information on how to grow the worst case of cotton mouth passable. I am a 56 year old disabled male suffering from a severe sinus problem causing continuous sinus drainage and pressure. The side effects are nausea...