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  1. M

    Flowering problem

    T Thanks man but I think I'm going to give up this one but I have the one I just posted I don't want to mess it up any help
  2. M


    I want to know if she's ready or if I'm doing something wrong I have no water drainage
  3. M

    Plant Died During Flowering

    I got 3 more in a different room they still veg
  4. M

    Plant Died During Flowering

    I don't know exactly the size but i think like 3 gallons I don't want to kill this one any advice
  5. M

    Plant Died During Flowering

    A week before it got like that
  6. M

    Plant Died During Flowering

    Thanks guys I really appreciate it I have this one that's ready to go to flowering atleast I hope I don't want to mess this one up so I over watered it:/
  7. M

    Flowering problem

    3 weeks into flowering this happened to me I want to know if there's any hope any help guys It's my first time growing I have another plant that's ready to enter flowering but I don't want to mess it up like I did here I don't know what went wrong
  8. M

    I need help my plant is 2 weeks into flowering I want to know if there is any hope for it or I...

    I need help my plant is 2 weeks into flowering I want to know if there is any hope for it or I just do away with it
  9. M

    Plant Died During Flowering

    I need help my plants are doing the same