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  1. Norby Grown

    Best and quickest outdoor

    Grew Russian Rocket Fuel and Pineapple Express Auto adn a few others about 10-12 years ago and though the RRF was really great in the vaporizer but something about the vegetative matter made it harsh/off tasting. Figured they've advanced a bit since then and wanted to try another round outdoors...
  2. Norby Grown

    pH problems

    Just strait happy frog soil mix. I checked the ph on the run off from 6 pots and it ranged from 3.8 - 5. They have all got the same care so it's gotta be fungi out of control or the peat is breaking down. I just don't understand why they would all start to drift in ph like that with such a...
  3. Norby Grown

    pH problems

    Threw them out today. 4 of 6 had hermied and all had seeds. Saved 2 that had no male flowers and showed the least signs of lockout and had the highest pH runoff to reveg and clone from. pH of water with nutes was in the low 5 range. I don't understand how the pH coming out can be in the...
  4. Norby Grown

    pH problems

    Continually getting lockout starting in week 5ish. Using happy frog this time. Water in is neutral and the ones having problems the pH out is in the low 4 range. The runoff from others with less to no problems is 5-5.5 . Can beneficial fungi decrease the pH like that? Can over watering...
  5. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    Ya, that has to do with people who would try and control humanity and use groups to their benefit. Nothing to do with the people in my family who just want to live their lives in peace and equality. I wouldn't condemn any group for being used in that way just because of some narrative used to...
  6. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    And family values would be to accept them and fight for them. They are in everyone's family.
  7. Norby Grown

    WTF has happened to Michigan's RIU spot?

    So it's the LGBTQ's fault for wanting to be themselves? Not be discriminated against, just to be accepted? And they gave rise to Hitler? Holly Shit!!!!!! It's the intolerant uneducated people's fault. If they didn't go for Hitlers view in bringing together their hate and intolerance the...
  8. Norby Grown

    Seed Shipping add Freezing.

    And I'd bet they knew quite well about water content and freezing seeds 500-1000-2000 years ago or they wouldn't have survived as a civilization.
  9. Norby Grown

    Seed Shipping add Freezing.

    I've had it happen with old seeds of mine that germinated well for years. It's not strictly a problem of inbreeding. I'm sure it has many causes.
  10. Norby Grown

    Seed Shipping add Freezing.

    Had that happen with Dr Greenthumb seeds. They were a sale item and shipped during winter. Tried them a few weeks later and got seeds that popped but never grew. The roots barely made it 1/16th of an inch. All my other bought and my own made seeds did fine under the same germination regimen...
  11. Norby Grown


    Anyone know what's up with the website being down?
  12. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Doesn't matter. Guns are the equalizer. A 300lb blackbelt could take out a lot of people with just their fists. It comes down to being able to protect yourself against such a person.
  13. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    It happened in a hippy bar I used to frequent years ago where a cop came in asking people to sell him pot and they escorted him out and he came back, luckily after the bar had closed and fired 3 rounds thru the rugs that were hung over a picture window to tame the sound of the band. One lodged...
  14. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    And they do. Fists, clubs and knives kill as many people in homicides in the US every year as do "assault rifles"
  15. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    And those people are quite ok with giving up a right they don't ever care to use and expect the rest of society to "care" for them. I believe it's my duty as an American citizen to stop and if necessary shoot to kill someone who is committing crimes in my neighborhood and has it in them to kill...
  16. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    And the NICS system is the problem why a lot of mass shooters were able to buy guns. A LOT of violent military crimes aren't required to be reported to the NICS system which is what they check to see if someone is able to purchase a gun. States VOLUNTARILY report tehse crimes into the system...
  17. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Gun laws for the sake of guns laws goes against being a free country. If there is no victim there should be no crime, to a point. NYS the "safe act" says you can have 10 round clips but you can only load 7 bullets into it. Once you put the 8th bullet in the clip you become a felon. Sorry but...
  18. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    25 years old. :) Still can't even subtract. :)
  19. Norby Grown

    Now that Michigan Rec is legal...

    Sorry, the first part was for you and the second was for the one who doesn't like data that proves him wrong. lol