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  1. I

    Are these buds small?

    I think it's a 50/50 mix , not 100% sure tho
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    Are these buds small?

    The strain was bagseed, but im sure the weed I had , that had seeds , was a strain called freezeland, it grows in Quebec, I think it's a little sativa too
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    Are these buds small?

    I was wondering if these buds looked a little small. Its on day 25 of flower. I have a 350watt hps. im using advanced nutrients, bud big and bloom. Also, what would be your guess on how much she will yeild?
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    Is this normal?

    If you guys can see, the tips of the pistils are turning reddish brown, tomorrow will be week 3 of flower, I just feel like it's a bit early for it to do that, it's a single plant, and it's not hermie, I check and there's no signs, only thing I can thing of is when i water it maybe? Some water...
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    Are these buds small for 3 weeks?

    Hi I was wondering if these buds are a little small for 3 weeks into flower, it showed it's sex before I flipped the switch too. I have a 300w HPS and 50watts of white CFLs underneath, so smaller buds get light. I just feel like these are small, the strain freezeland , grows in Quebec, and I'm...
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    Is this bad?

    So what do i do? I'm sure it's a nutrient lock out, should I water til I see run off? I'll let the soil dry out a decent amount before I do this, because the soil I have isn't the greatest, cheapest stuff I could find actually, and the bucket doesn't really have the much drainage
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    Is this bad?

    Thanks ahah
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    Is this bad?

    Yea sorry I posted that before I saw your post ahah
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    Is this bad?

    Also, how much do you think I'll yeild? Its in a 5 gallon bucket, 400w metal halide, yes I know it's not a HPS but MH is all I have. Its about 8 inches tall , I switched to flowering 4 days ago, and it is a female
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    Is this bad?

    Okay thanks alot guys, this really helped
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    Is this bad?

    Yea I've never done that before, plus it's a bucket, not a real pot, and i had to put holes in the bottom of it. Are you sure my plant wont stress from being overwaterd? Or drown? Or root rot?
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    Is this bad?

    So your saying water it until I see run off? Because I'm never done that before, won't that drown the plant?
  13. I

    Is this bad?

    I haven't used bloom yet, I have advanced nutrients bloom and big bud, my friend gave it all to me, so my next watering, I'm going to feed it, I'm not sure how much though, it says 2ml/L and i did that before and it burnt all the smaller growth, the big leaves and tops weren't affected , but the...
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    Is this bad?

    Do you think that's the problem? And I'm afraid to nutrient burn it
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    Is this bad?

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    Is this bad?

    These bottom leaves keep falling off, I just put it into flower and I'm afraid it's going to die, haven't used nutrients in atleast two weeks either, I don't know if it's a nitrogen difficency or not. If anyone could tell me their opinion that would be great aha.
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    Tips for flower

    I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for flowering, things I should avoid , things that help with flower, just any advice because it's my first time flowering and i want to do it right and not kill the plant
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    Question about flower?

    Hi my plants 75 days old from seed, at day 80 I'm going to put it I to flower. It's in a 5 gallon bucket right now and I'm just wondering if this is going to be big enough that the plant isn't going to get root bound during flower. Its also about 8"at the tallest point
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    Yea i still have tons of seeds so idk about cloning, dont really have the stuff to clone properly either but yea ill learn, so i should put it into flower soon? I was thinking january 1st, its showing preflowers too so its mature
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    Yea sowhen i flower it should get pretty big