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  1. Nepenthe

    feminized vs normal

    Heh... well maybe it's just because I posted here last night that this has happened :P But I went to check my girls this morning and one is hermied/male :( Either way it has big balls and it's been taken out of the growroom. He's currently sitting in my bathroom awaiting execution. Can't bring...
  2. Nepenthe

    feminized vs normal

    It's my first grow, I'm using feminised seeds, and they seem great ( don't have much for comparison). Just went into flowering a week ago, and starting to see flowers, it's nice to see up close what female plants look like without having to worry about figuring out the sex. The pics on the...
  3. Nepenthe

    Dinafem california hash

    Have you got any more recent pics, or a link to your grow diary?
  4. Nepenthe

    Dinafem california hash

    If that's 24 days from seed, then that's not too bad, mine shot up in the last week or so, just make sure you've got big enough pots for them, and they don't get rootbound.
  5. Nepenthe

    Dinafem california hash

    Just having a look now at flowering times, glad I'm growing the cali hash as well now. White widow is 8-10weeks, while the cali hash is only 45-50 days, so I could get some smoke about 3 weeks earlier than expected :D
  6. Nepenthe

    Dinafem california hash

    Hey db :) It's my first grow too (I also got the free blue hash seed but it didn't sprout, just as well, I wouldn't have had enough room). My grow diary - I'm using 600w lamp with a dual spectrum bulb I got...
  7. Nepenthe

    Dinafem california hash

    I've got a cali hash that's been flowering for a week now too, free dinafem seed along with 4 White Widow seeds I bought. Some pics: It's the one at the bottom left here, slightly lighter green than the White Widows. Good luck with your grows guys, interesting to see what I get from this...
  8. Nepenthe

    Yellowing of leaves on the bottom of nodes

    How far are you into the grow?
  9. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    This early on? Only 1 week into flowering...
  10. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    Going to the garden centre tonight to pick up a bigger pot for the cali hash. The Widows are in 9L pots, that should be big enough surely? What concentration H2O2 is usually used for plants? I've only ever used it in my hair :shock:
  11. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    Thanks I'll go flush the cali now, can't make it any worse I guess :/ What's a TDS meter?
  12. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    BUMP! Please help :( Don't want to do any more damage by inaction or the wrong action :S
  13. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    Yeah I tested plain water, and nutrient-added water and the latter was a lower pH. I've fed them this morning and the pH was at 8 this afternoon. With a pH so high, am I locking out the nutrients from the plants? I don't want to keep adding more and just create a toxic salt buildup :-?.
  14. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    Ok so maybe I should lay off the nutes completely for the widows then? What do you think of the cali hash?
  15. Nepenthe

    HELP!: Is this nitrogen deficiency?

    I'm on my first grow, just moved to flowering last week. I'm growing indoor, in a growtent, with 600w lamp in soil. I have 4 white widows and 1 cali hash. I began feeding with biobizz grow last week, as the lower leaves started to get little yellow spots on them. Started with 1.5ml per Litre...
  16. Nepenthe

    First Grow (Growroom)- White Widow

    Read up more and realised 2ml / litre should be better for them, fed them this morning. Since yesterday there have been yellow leaves on the bottom, think this might be due to a nitrogen deficiency. Was worried about nutrient lock-out so I bought a pH meter (the bits of paper were crap)...
  17. Nepenthe

    Spots on leaves.... not sure

    I hope it's only water spots. I had considered it before, even nute burn I can deal with. Was so scared of it being fungus or mold, but those all looked darker in the pics. I'll keep a close eye on them .
  18. Nepenthe

    Spots on leaves.... not sure

    Yeah the spots are yellow. They appeared before I added any nutrients, could they get nute burn from repotting into the same type of soil? I added a bit of nutes because I was worried it was a deficiency, but I'm holding off now since I don't want to give them too much at once, and I'm not...
  19. Nepenthe

    Spots on leaves.... not sure

    What is folier feed? :shock: I water them when the lights are on yeah.
  20. Nepenthe

    Spots on leaves.... not sure

    Thanks, I've looked through several threads, some with really good pictures, but it doesn't match up very well to any of them. This morning there was dew on the top of the leaves of the plants, I think I overwatered it. Could it be something to do with spots of water interacting with the leaf...