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  1. FireItUp

    OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17

    After my car accident (minor one), I stopped taking the Benzos so I was only on them for a few days. Haven't been seeing my doctor weekly, last time I seen him was in December.. he told me after they did all the tests that if I continue to feel this pain to go to the emergency instead. Kinda...
  2. FireItUp

    OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17

    Where would I signup for a class action suit? The only thing I have found is this petition that I signed last night
  3. FireItUp

    OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17

    I would but I just don't have the money for a lawyer, I'm on disabilities so I can barely afford my rent most months. Not sure what to do other then to see my doctor and see what he says about this all and if it's even related.
  4. FireItUp

    OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17

    So in November I ordered 2 strains that Aurora recalled last week (that was bought from Organigram). I didn't think much of it until I did some research last night and found all this shit about bifenazate and myclobutanil which when burned turns to hydrogen cyanide. We'll around the end of...