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  1. F

    new growth sagging

    Is it possible those spots on the lower leaves are water spots? I had assumed it was splash back from this type of setup but I have zero experience with it.
  2. F

    new growth sagging

    Need more details of your grow. PH, nutes, etc... I'm no expert by any means, as I'm currently dealing with a few issues of my own but those "clawing" down leaves look like N tox but without knowing more of your grow info, it will be hard for most people to help you out. It also looks like the...
  3. F

    Genetics or something going on?

    Sorry for the late reply. I started giving nutes the day after this post. I've started giving about 350ppm at 6.0ph and the colour of the one seedling which was yellow has drastically improved, although possibly slightly droopy now? However, the other seedling has been droopy the last 48-72...
  4. F

    Genetics or something going on?

    It is coco and perlite.
  5. F

    Genetics or something going on?

    Thank you for the words of encouragement! I will follow your advice and see how it does over the next few days.
  6. F

    Genetics or something going on?

    Hi everyone, Just curious as to what's going on with one of my seedlings. I've got two going, both random bag seed and both germinated at the same time. I am growing in coco with perlite. The coco was rinsed and flushed of any excess salts. These are currently sitting under 100w LED lights in...