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  1. Kingfari

    Entering the 5th week of flowering. . Don't know the strain. . How does she look? ?

    I've cloned it and have another flowering as well, so I'll improve my lighting and look forward to better quality. .
  2. Kingfari

    Entering the 5th week of flowering. . Don't know the strain. . How does she look? ?

    It's been about 2 weeks since flowers first appeared.
  3. Kingfari

    Entering the 5th week of flowering. . Don't know the strain. . How does she look? ?

    I'm growing 4 plants.. 2 small with 6 cfls
  4. Kingfari

    After "Topping"

    It's normal. . It could be a few things from nutrient deficiency to shock... But it looks good and healthy... Older leaves tend to yellow due to getting less light but again normal. .