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  1. letitrein

    Direct oxygen to root zone in soil

    You could not have been more correct. My experiment lasted all of 15 hours lol. I was thinking that the electricity usage by the pump coupled with the annoying constant noise just wasn't or couldn't be worth it. I agree on the soil. I enjoy mixing up a good batch of soil. You seem knowledgeable...
  2. letitrein

    Nutrients for soil grows

    1 part thickest richest topsoil i can find. 1 part vermiculite 1 part spgh moss 1 part earthworm castings 4 parts pearlite (when you think there is enough, add another bag. no such thing as too much) General hydroponics flora series 50% .micro,grow,bloom in veg, same in transition with just...
  3. letitrein

    Direct oxygen to root zone in soil

    I have this experiment i just started today, but would love to hear yalls guess as to if it makes a noticeable difference or not. I prefer growing in soil. instead of buying aerated bag containers i buy large 20, 30 gallon containers and go to town with a soldering iron placing several hundred...