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  1. W


    honestly, i dont know much about it. ive got quite the goulash of second hand stuff that i never bothered learning the specs on. i know its 2 weeks old. i water it when its dry one and a half to two inches down. i keep the lights on 24/7. i run a fan for a few hours every day. off white paint on...
  2. W


    so my fourth attempt dosent seem to be going so good. im not sure why my leaves are turning yellow and getting crusty near the tips, but its gonna be a bummer to have to start over. but practice makes perfect i guess....... any way, here are some pictures. any suggestions on how to maybe reverse...
  3. W

    my seedling.

    does the set up look sufficient? its not a huge closet. seems lik ethere is enough room to grow something in there.
  4. W

    my seedling.

    what do you suggest?
  5. W

    my seedling.

    here are pictures of my set up and the size of the pot. im using scotts potting soil.
  6. W

    my seedling.

    ok. is there a certain amount of water that should be used? ill post a pic of the pot im using along with what im working with as far as a "grow room" goes.
  7. W

    my seedling.

    how often do i water it? its about 2 weeks old.
  8. W


    def will. thanks for the info.
  9. W


    7.0 i think. new to the technical side of growing. this plant isnt a lost cause though, is it?
  10. W


    2 weeks give or take. so should i just go with water with no nutes?
  11. W


    how does it look so far? this is my 3rd or 4th attempt. this is the best ive done so far.
  12. W


    ok. thanks.
  13. W


    im not sure if anyone can tell this early, but is this a male plant or a female plant.