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  1. D

    Experience with White Widows?

    Well Im about 6 days from my last post, not to much to brag about. My White Widow is only about 3 inch's tall, she has her first set of serrated leafs taking hold and her next set of nodes coming in pretty quickly. I did however mess up i started her with two other plants which are in flowering...
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    Experience with White Widows?

    I got my WW seeds from Nirvana. How old are your babies, and what kind of set up?
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    Experience with White Widows?

    Hey there fellow Stoners of Earth!!! So I'm just here to get everyones opinions on White Widow Autos. Im using a 3/4 organic mix of Peat moss, Cow manure, Compost with 1/4 non organic (miracle grow perlite). The tap root poped fairly quickly into germination, I put her in around 10pm Monday, by...
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    white widow organic soil mixture

    Awesome, yea so i suppose my soil mixture in that case is probably about 25/75, 25 being the perlite... unless you count the peat moss due to how light it is. And pretty much sounding like higher aeration you should probably shoot for a lower temperature to avoid said microbes from growing?
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    white widow organic soil mixture

    Hey tesla! thanks for your response. quick question how do i measure aeration?
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    white widow organic soil mixture

    Hey guys so on my next run i believe im going to use an organic soil mixture of Peat moss, and organic cow manure and compost (store bought). I also added extra peralite which i am not sure if it is organic or not. Does anyone have any other tips on what i should use?
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    Drooped/curled leafs

    it was in a small 10 inch round pot, i transplanted to a 5 gal bucket about half the 5 gal was new soil hoping it helps to balance out the nitrogen
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    Drooped/curled leafs

    The plant food is pellets that have a slow relase im afraid trying to leach out the the soil wont work
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    Drooped/curled leafs

    I built my soil, it was top soil, i added rooting hormone, and plant feed which had a good bit of nitrogen, I also added pearlite.
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    Nitrogen Toxicity

    If your plant has Nitrogen toxicity how do you counter act it. Flush your soil?
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    Drooped/curled leafs

    please someone helpppp what do you think this is
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    Drooped/curled leafs

    Hello all so I woke up this morning and my plants leafs were all funky. I think it may be nitrogen toxicity, if so how do I counter act this and fix it?