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  1. Kcar

    Who here does NOT FLUSH!

    Plants that are finishing up don't need nor want nutrients. Also, makes the finished product harsh and chemmy.
  2. Kcar

    white rino questions

    I'm growing it, but they're still babies...
  3. Kcar

    Silly Question

    Extractor Fan.
  4. Kcar

    I Just Bought A Dime Of Oregano

    You could make pasta sauce!
  5. Kcar

    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    Looks like thrips. Get Spinosad.
  6. Kcar

    2010 - What's the earliest time to sow in SoCal, Zone 8-11

    I start indoors, and put them out last week in Feb. Norcal. Covered at night and when it rains
  7. Kcar

    Thinking about using Seed Boutique

    The Bou is the shit. And the Bay.
  8. Kcar

    should i chop it down soon

    Organic=No Flush Chem =Flush
  9. Kcar

    Plz Tell what you can do wit Hermi...?

    You will probably find a few more, in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes open!
  10. Kcar

    That 5K was for 5 seeds. 1K each. WTFF? Are you Fing kidding me?
  11. Kcar


    I'm with all them ^ It's evil. Doesn't matter if it's super clean "glass" or yellowish brown homemade psudo meth. It's all evil. And don't kid yourself by thinking "These guys don't know what they're talking about" Cause we've all done it.
  12. Kcar

    What Do You Do When You Need A New Dealer?

    Craigslist? search "420" Or ask any (young looking) bartender at a hotel bar.
  13. Kcar

    South Texas gets Busted

    Thats a chain and a pad lock. I was under the impression it was a spring driven gate with an auto-latching hasp. Also, I would have been more upset with me calling your BS. Oh well, glad your not in jail or prison. NO ONE should be there for growing a plant. Peace
  14. Kcar

    South Texas gets Busted

    Sorry, but this story is full of holes. When "Barney" rolled up and saw 15 plants, were they all around your front door on the outside? Or did you open your door so wide that he could see them in your house? Either way, makes no sense. 1000's of seeds? what for? your only growing 15-100 plants...
  15. Kcar

    South Texas gets Busted

    I'm sure I'll get ripped for this, but after reading this whole thread, I have to call "Bullshit" In my opinion, there never was any bust (just like there wasn't really a driving arrest) and that this was just a way to spout a whole bunch of jailhouse rhetoric, and tell everyone how cool you are...
  16. Kcar

    1 Gallon glass jars

    Why not just use 1/2 gal mason jars that are available anywhere?
  17. Kcar

    i've never heard of anything like it

    Triploid - Three sets of chromosomes instead of 2.
  18. Kcar

    Cheapest lights/ballast/bulbs ever !!!!

    They're so cheap cause the sell them to someone, go bust them, take the stuff back, and sell it to the next tard. Great way to see who's growing. Might as well send a nice letter to your local LEO "Hi there, I'm growing a bunch of WEED and my address is bla bla bla..."
  19. Kcar

    Amazing invention idea for balasts and high watt lights

    Yer gonna need one big as 12v bat to go 400W / 12 = 33 amps!