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  1. J

    My own soil mix - Advise wanted.

    Perlite and vermiculite have different properties. In an oversimplified nutshell, vermiculite (especially the chunkier stuff) really breaks up dense soil. It also has moisture properties, but for the most part in soil applications its used to break up dense soil so soil dries out faster and...
  2. J

    Hey guys I'm a new member and a new grower I got some babies here 10 days after I switch to 12/12

    Not sure what a weight pistol is... Typically it will take 2 weeks from the flip to 12/12 to see the hairs (pistols). I can see one or two in your pics. It will then take 8-12 weeks (plan on 10) from the flip, depending on the strain, to finish. During this time, the flowers will put on...
  3. J

    First grow

    Looking good! This is based on your first pics posted... I would remove all of the leaves and popcorn bud sites from the bottom third of your plant height as its in shadow and will detract from the good tops. Any tiny shoots from the bottom clean up make good "monster" clones. Plan to give...
  4. J

    My own soil mix - Advise wanted.

    Google Sub cool super soil for a pretty popular base mix. From there you can sub things out, decrease amounts to allow for supplements via watering, etc. The amount of additives is going to be relative to the starting amount of "soil". A cubic foot of soil is about 6 gallons. I have used a...
  5. J

    Newbie still needs help

    $5 or less should get you some generic vegetable fertilizer from a grocery store. Shoot for something balanced where the 3 numbers are nearly equal (3-3-3 or something similar). Highly not recommended, but it would be marginally better than literally nothing. You're going to want to feed it...