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  1. W

    Trunk5's 400watt grow thingy..

    Congrats! I've been following this grow for awhile. Great job.
  2. W

    Trunk5's 400watt grow thingy..

    Damn, i'm really impressed with your whole setup... Your plants look beautiful. I'm probably going to base a lot of my setup on yours. Keep up the good work!
  3. W

    Trunk5's 400watt grow thingy..

    they're looking good!
  4. W

    Odor Control?

    Hey guys, I am planning my first grow soon. I will be growing in a closet in a small apartment building. Will the smell of the plants be strong enough to smell up my apartment? Will others notice? If so, does anyone know a good way to control the odor from the plants?
  5. W

    Odor Control?

    Hey guys, I am planning my first grow soon. I will be growing in a closet in a small apartment building. Will the smell of the plants be strong enough to smell up my apartment? Will others notice? If so, does anyone know a good way to control the odor from the plants?
  6. W

    Trunk5's 400watt stealth grow cab. Lots of Pics..

    Really sweet grow cab. I'm hopefully starting my own grow soon and I'm getting a lot of ideas from your setup!
  7. W

    Plane Wreck CFL/HPS closet grow

    Good looking plants you've got going. I'm interested in the rest of the grow :)
  8. W

    Outdoor 08

    Nice grow!
  9. W

    Earliest time to grow?

    I live in northwest Ohio. When is the earliest I can start planting?
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    How is this for the first Grow?

    Looks really nice.
  11. W

    4 weeks flowering update....w/pics

    I would lower the light.