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  1. juniorbud313

    how can i turn my green into "green"?

    [thanks to panhead,ludacris and anotheroldphart for your help i jus neede to know the basis and you guys gimme that so cheers im gonna add to all your reputations for takin da time out! as for the other guys who patronized and were bein smart......well you know the craic yourself! peace out...
  2. juniorbud313

    how can i turn my green into "green"?

    :weed:suspicious??lmfao nah guys i jus wana know what the tips are.....i know none of you grow it??/:o but i just wanted to know, i got a few tips from420 but it was 2 fcukin technical 4 and peeps hav helped me out wen my babys wernt so healthy so i was hoping for another bit o help! im...
  3. juniorbud313

    how can i turn my green into "green"?

    :joint:hi guys im an irish newbie grower and i was looking to know if there are any of youse out there which im sure there are, people who can give me tips and help on how to grow fairly big amounts of green indoors! i want to harvest at least 1kg-2kg every 8-12 weeks. how can i do it,what...
  4. juniorbud313

    Vent into Attic

    well im doin the same thing myself man i have quite literally just cut a hole in the cupboard through to the attic, as i have a 400watt HPS and it is one hot motherfucker. but mould and rot sprang to mind 4 me so im gonna ge some ventin tube and vent the air through this to avoid it. but for the...
  5. juniorbud313

    i need help bigtime please!

    so i started my 2 plants 4 a couple of weeks under 2 60 watt regular bulbs and grew them till they were around 5-6 inches high...with the door in my grow room closed(2.5ft by 4ft by 5 1/2 ft) with no ventilation and the plants grew slowly but surely. but then i got myself a 400watt HPS light...
  6. juniorbud313

    I need

    right so heres the dealio, i just set my grow room up and its about 5 1/2 feet high 4ft long and about 2.5/3 ft wide! i have a 400watt hps a circulating fan but no ventilation. i just leave the window open and the closet door open! but my plant died and its leaves fell off the first time! but i...