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  1. Izzyvibes

    101 Already Asked Questions

    alright ill just wait for your response tomorrow. thank you
  2. Izzyvibes

    Worst thing you have accidently smoked in your pipe?

    wanna be mothers finest
  3. Izzyvibes

    101 Already Asked Questions

    The water does seep through the soil and run out the bottom of the pot, into the plastic trays. i put bricks under three sides of both pots, I assumed it would be healthy for the bottom of the pot not to be flooded. Do you think that helps? Should i just give the plant two liters of water every...
  4. Izzyvibes

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Well im really new to this and i tried hydro first but it wasnt working out the way i hoped it would.The reason why i decided to start my own op is mainly the fact that im tired of the clubs BS prices and growing what i smoke is going to be very rewarding. Also i didnt want to go over the legal...
  5. Izzyvibes

    101 Already Asked Questions

    If i were using a 15 gallon pot indoor, how much water should i put in it...Ive been using 3.5 liters of water every other day. am I on the right track? Any information can help, this is my first time.