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  1. L

    9 week old critical kush sisters

    Hey guys, I'm a first time grower and I'm super excited to be part of the community. I have been following some guides from experienced friends and the internet. Right now I've got two almost 10 weeks old critical kush fem plants. I've been following a strict feeding schedule based on the...
  2. L

    Is this plant ready to be Havested?

    Thanks bro, tomorrow I'll start the drying process :)
  3. L

    Is this plant ready to be Havested?

    Will do bro! I'm hiding it away in a dark and well ventilated room. Thanks 4 all the tips sensei
  4. L

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you guys make of this lady? Should I harvest her already?
  5. L

    Is this plant ready to be Havested?

    Thanks bro! I'll be flushing nutes for a couple of days then I'm harvesting dat sweet lady.
  6. L

    Is this plant ready to be Havested?

    Hey guys, I'm a first time grower, I planted this autoflowering girl scout cookie seed the 1st of September. She's almost 10 weeks old and I'm not sure if I should harvest already. Thanks