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  1. E

    Possible Phosphorus Issue?

    When I started I was using a low out put light setup. Was my mistake. I have switched to a LED light. 400w equivalent. The MG soil says feeds up to 6 months.... I do think it is a PH issues. Looks to be to Low around 5.5. Should I ph correct my watering to about 6.5 and bring it up...
  2. E

    Possible Phosphorus Issue?

    here is the whole plant, Placed a back drop so you can see the plant better.
  3. E

    Possible Phosphorus Issue?

    Was using general hydrophonics drops. Dont have a pen yet. Any pen suggestions?
  4. E

    Possible Phosphorus Issue?

    Thats definitely a possibility. Flushed the plant with water around 5.8-6 ph. The soil was at ph 7.0 prior to flushing.
  5. E

    Possible Phosphorus Issue?

    Description- Growing indoor (LED light) Just Completed a Flush 2 days ago Miracle Grow soil (Switching to Fox Farm Ocean forest) 1st week of flower stage 75 degrees 55% humidity A few plants are showing signs of what I think is Phosphorus Def. Photos are from Two different plants, some of...