Update here:
Applied 11/28
Check cashed 2/8
No card yet
I’ve hit a bunch of holidays through my wait, but man it’s taking a long ass time.
I emailed twice after my check was cashed, but no luck.
Hopefully it’s coming soon. I’ve seen some people from around 11/20 receiving their cards...
Somewhat of a strange question, but to those who have had their checks cashed, did they do it first thing in the morning? Or was it at a random time throughout the day? Wondering if it’s pointless to keep checking my account after the a.m.hours? Thanks for any info. Starting to get a bit...
A little update to help.
I sent an email asking specifically for the status of my application in terms of whether it’s been received or not. I put in the subject line: Application Received Confirmation.
Within 5 minutes, I got an auto reply back, but this time it confirmed that my...
Terrible. It seems it’s just random now. Some emails they answer, others they don’t.
The only silver lining is I have yet to see a application denial post, so let’s just keep hoping our relief shows up sooner rather then later.
Has anyone recived a personal response from the IDPH recently? I’m only getting robo replies. From the look of other people’s dates, mine should be coming up sooner rather than later (Submitted 11/20) But knowing that it was actually recived doesn't seem like too much to ask.
Hi all.
I’ve been follow this thread since I applied back on 11/27. Thanks for everyone’s updates, it’s helped in the waiting process.
I reached out to IDPH this morning and recived this:
Thank you for contacting the Illinois Department of Public Health Medical Cannabis Program. Your email...