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  1. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    Thanks for the video link :) True to the name
  2. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    But movin on haha it’s not all bad I’m sure
  3. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    A trait that is to dominant for me to pay anymore to mr.archives breeding chickswithdicks to come shit in my growroom
  4. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    haha dosi hos Possible strain name drop
  5. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    I’m saying it to save people money. Some herm is ok and expected, all is a waste of money.
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    Archive Seed Bank

    I haven’t I just did a bunch with my R&D room faceoffbx2 Dosiface herms Dosi tree runts and herms 100% white gold steaming pile I know I forgetting some other pack But That’s all I can remember off hand Very few made it to a second run like the one pictured For me that was enough of a cross...
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    Archive Seed Bank

    Hahahah yah will my opposite plz standup lol he charges extra for runts with no Z
  8. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    So I am otherwise stayin out of it, I am somewhat back tracking on my full on hate for archive. I don’t know the history. I do know that I plant for plant had the most herms from his lineup. I found fire so word of caution R&D with special attention to archive plants. So I’d say go in knowing...
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    Archive Seed Bank

    Here is a pic Faceoffbx2 No herms in pack Closest to a keeper
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    Archive Seed Bank

  11. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    Yah bound to get soured at some point towards a company. Those dosi crosses and white I got though.. goddamn those were not stable in the least. Guess I’ll just look at other peoples fire from archive for the foreseeable hah
  12. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    Dosi-face Dosi-tree White gold Faceoff can’t recall culling herms but meh for keepers I suppose this would be pertinent information, not just a shit review.
  13. V

    Archive Seed Bank

    Archive wins most herms across the board. Seed and clone. The only thing I could gather from hunting is his consistency to package garbage. Mutants and herms and wasted $. Not jaded at alll haha
  14. V

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    CakeNchem day 61
  15. V

    bodhi seeds

    Hey man she’s onlyoutside for a photoshoot
  16. V

    bodhi seeds

    Haven’t grown the guava but my monkeys were all over the place lanky but dense, tall and pancake buds, colas and cedar terps and my favorite being the chunky with the best lemon cleaner terps I have ever smelt
  17. V

    bodhi seeds

    I chose this one because it had the strongest strawberry/sweet terps and looks. Overall pretty uniform structure with others having less pronounced berry terps/dank or hash smells will revisit after some cure time :)
  18. V

    bodhi seeds

    Oh and a elphinstone cheers :joint:
  19. V

    bodhi seeds

    Great drop today gonna be some fire in those new strains :leaf: :fire: