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  1. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    I to use black plastic that when held up to the light you can't see any light through. My understanding that will keep the Algae from growing. I also drill my hole with the bottom of the hole about 2" above the bottom. That should keep your watering down to about every two day's with a...
  2. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    From your description I would say they are primarily the same. Hempy as I understand is the process of watering through the a selected growing medium into a reservoir at the bottom of growing container. Once the reservoir is full the remainder if drained off through a hole in the side as...
  3. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    Thanks for the tips. I have been working with a few different pruning techniques. I topped early on in veg above the 5th node and then again on the 2nd node out on each of the pairs of branches below the fifth node. Then when tall enough in veg I put in a 3.5inch netting as a screen. Later...
  4. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    I ran some numbers on CannaStats site and come up with the following with regards to my local water in San Diego
  5. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    I have to say, I like your approach. From the beginning I paid attention to pH, even though my first meter was a piece of crap. So when a deficiency was attributed to calcium or magnesium what the hell do I know. I have to say, the regular use of ProteKt and Grow/Bloom has been very good...
  6. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    I'm looking at the Dyna Grow feeding chart attached and finding the Mag-Pro a vital part of their recommendation for flowering. What are your feeling on it? Especially during flowering?
  7. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    Very interesting and I'm interested in following up on this. I started Bonicare Cal-Mag because early on in the grow before I really started using the DG I had some major problems with brown edges and was suggested I had a Mag deficiency. Tried foliar spraying with Epsom Salts to no eval and...
  8. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    "We Don't Like No Stinkin Limits" hate that you have limits where you are. Hopefully someday the world will see Cannabis for the positive it really is.
  9. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    Good Day all, just signed into RIU and found you via my brother who got here before me. Wow! three times as many pages to catch up on here vs the GH thread. I'm a Dyna-Grow user on this my first grow. Looks like I have a bit of reading to catch up but will chime in once I'm up to speed. Glad...
  10. BTzGrow

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    Good Day all, just signed into RIU and found you via my brother who got here before me. I've been using the Dyna-Gro exclusively since about a month into this my first grow. I have been supplementing some Cal-mg from Bonicare about every other watering and not nearly at the levels called for...
  11. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    In your opinion is wicks better or retains better than Vermiculite? My understanding is Perlite has a wicking capacity of about 8inches upward. Would the ProMix increase that more than the Vermiculite, or just retain more moisture?
  12. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    I'm assuming that the Promix is a soil product? I'm using 3parts Perlite and 1part Vermiculite in my current hempy grow.
  13. BTzGrow

    Hempy watering time frame

    Hey, I'm new to rollitup but seasoned in so many other ways. Could you share the link for the dedicated Hempy thread, please. I currently have some hempy experiments going, and next grow will be completely Hempy.