Search results

  1. AkSlayer77

    Can you re-use soil after harvest?

    Not silly at all. The fact the you dismiss with such well shall we say arogance is what is silly. The simple answer to the question is yes with work you could indeed reuse the soil. However when comparing time and cost to do this compared to cost of just replacing to me just does not make it...
  2. AkSlayer77

    whats the best way to germinate seeds?

    I strongly urge against the wet paper towel method. Reason being is the tap root is extremely vulnerable and delicate. And so when checking to see if it has sprouted you can actually damage or kill the seedling. You can pull the little hairs off the tap root when pulling paper towel apart thus...
  3. AkSlayer77

    do rapid root plugs need soaking like rockwool for cloning?

    All good info being given. And yes pH is important. I am lucky where I am from the tap water is on point as far as having correct pH level so I do not have to put a lot of thought there other than an occasional tap water and soil check to make sure everything is as should be. So for at least me...