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  1. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Here is the CAP model (worth considering): Also, someone mentioned a controller. I ma probably going to go with this fella since he can do co2, heat, and humidity: They...
  2. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I will let some of the more experienced Stinkbuddies answer your other questions, however, I got this one. The full plans are all together on page 75 of the thread. This is speculation but I would think the future revisions will come after (or right around) the release of the High Times...
  3. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I think thats "and" missing the "a". Just my guess.
  4. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yes, do read the plans extensively. For a quick answer, I believe the default configuration calls for 7 inch spacing. I am assuming that is 7 inches center to center.
  5. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks for the info Rep! I guess I need to back up and reconsider my ideas on Ozone generators. Essentially, I was thinking if I could get by with not venting the room at all, I could cut out fan costs and keep all my co2 in the room till it was used. Heat and humidity would be ran off a...
  6. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks for the reply Stink! The model I am looking at is the Uvonair Jr.: Unfortunately I dont have any experience with ozone and wouldnt know a good one from a bad one. Anyone here have any experience with this brand? Also, I wanted to...
  7. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys! First off, I gotta say I love getting on here to see what new info is in the thread from the last time I logged on. Thanks to everyone for all the questions and answers!!!! I have a few questions myself going along with the co2 line we have been on lately: 1. When running co2 do...
  8. Senator

    i paid for elite now what ?

    Just ordered: Your Order Number is: 1080 See you guys in red soon! =)
  9. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Stink! Is that the NYC Diesel or another flavor? What would you say your total grow time is on the strain and how long do you leave them in the cloner and veg units? Also, is this the one you say is almost "too strong"?
  10. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I have some questions for everyone about security. Sorry, I know this is a little off topic but I have come to respect many of the opinions offered here and am curious what your take would be on this problem. The problem? There is no room available for this system. :( So, the options I see...
  11. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Stink, I know you posted this before somewhere but what brand of lights do you prefer? I am looking at 2 600's and I believe you said you like the Sun Systems brand but cannot recall for sure. Thanks!
  12. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey Stink! I know you said somewhere but I cannot recall... Which brand of lights do you prefer for flower? I was thinking of getting 2 600w units to start with. Thanks again for all this great info!
  13. Senator

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys! First off, let me thank you all, most notably Stinkbud, for this thread! Until I started reading here, I was sure that as a newbie there was no way I could construct my own grow system and feel that it would actually work. My guess is that you are going to save me about $3000 over...
  14. Senator

    BC NL Bloom Box or Producer and other questions for experienced growers

    Have you hybridized your strain or is it a "Brand Name Seed Bank" seed? Would it be possible to give your strain a go? I really want something potent, gives a decent yield, and that doesn't stink up the place. Your NL sounds perfect!
  15. Senator

    BC NL Bloom Box or Producer and other questions for experienced growers

    NoDrama, White Widow is one of the strains that interests me the most. How would you rate its yield in comparison to Northern Lights and Skunk #1? Wow Homegrow, thats quite a price tag! How did the investment end up so high?
  16. Senator

    My producer. (First time grow)

    Hey guys. I wanted to ask those of you using BC Northern Lights equipment a few questions but didnt want to hijack the thread. If you have time and wouldn't mind, please check out my thread:
  17. Senator

    Producer Grow

    Hey guys. I wanted to ask those of you using BC Northern Lights equipment a few questions but didnt want to hijack the thread. If you have time and wouldn't mind, please check out my thread:
  18. Senator

    BC NL Bloom Box or Producer and other questions for experienced growers

    So I am planning on pulling the trigger on one of the BC northern lights systems just after the first of the year but after quite a bit of research, I still have a few questions for those of you who are currently using the bloom box or the producer. First... I am a total noob at this. I don't...