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  1. bobilu

    Which setup's better? (pics)

    Looks like your on your way their Scotts. If it's to much trouble moving the light up and down, you can always lift the plants. Get a couple of cinder blocks and plywood. Makes for a easy shelf.
  2. bobilu

    how many plants have you fit under a 400 hps.

    I had four with balls so I'm left with eight. Looks like I have plenty of room now.
  3. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    My bad, belongs on my other thread.
  4. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    Well I'm down to eight now. Its kinda hard to destroy perfect healthy plants.
  5. bobilu

    HELP! tiny little worms on leaves!?

    Might be cut worms. I grew a plant outside a few years go, I had those little bastards everywhere. They burrow inside the buds and eat em from the inside out. I yanked the plant and about 1/3 of the buds just crumbled in my hands.
  6. bobilu

    did you all read this

    He'll (Obama) will widen the path to legalization. Our Government is so fucking broke (while the bankers are getting free hand outs) it has to squeeze every penny it can from us. Millions of new tax dollars going to some fat slob so he can vacation in some exotic place.
  7. bobilu

    Which setup's better? (pics)

    That looks right to me. Use 6'" ducting. They sell fiber glass insulated ducting for F.A.U. at The Home depot for about $1.00 a foot. The insulated ducting will cut down on noise from air movement.
  8. bobilu

    How to Reduce Fan noise?

    Explain in more details.
  9. bobilu

    How to Reduce Fan noise?

    I got the same prob. I got one of those 6" Vortex fans and it's louder than shit. I'm gonna encase it in that spay foam this weekend. I'll let you know the results.
  10. bobilu

    Franco's Ongoing Grows

    Nice little toy ya got there. How much did set you back?
  11. bobilu

    guess right win 50 bucks

    Looking good there. Since I just read the entire thread I think it's worth a guess. 8 Oz 22 grms.
  12. bobilu

    G13 labs Pure power, white widow, and Power skunk

    Here's a updated picture of Attitude's freebies. The one in the front is Pure Power. They're coming along fine. The Attitude might be giving the bean away because they've been sitting around for a while or ain't selling. If they germed I think their just as good as any bean. The quality of the...
  13. bobilu

    Brand Spankin New

    Welcome aboard :blsmoke:
  14. bobilu

    ok here we go!

    Welcome to The Club, where green thumbs are abundant.
  15. bobilu

    Acapulco Gold Seeds

    Acapulco gold! Haven't herd about that in along time. Used to be the bomb shit 30 years ago.
  16. bobilu

    FLOWER ferts? which is best?

    Any one on Schultz Expert- Bloom Plus 10-60-10? I'm using it now and it seems to be working. This is my first grow so I don't don't really know what to look for.
  17. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Thanks man. Nothing but good info on RD so far.
  18. bobilu

    ~~ Help Me Vent! ~~ stealth hid closet grow

    That'll do it. your on your way to growing some good bud. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :bigjoint:
  19. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    Hey guys keep on posting your pics,(Red Diesel) it'll be nice to have something to compare to.
  20. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Areoponics. Way to complicated for me right now. :dunce: